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Don't worry, kiddo. Nobody can see the waistband of the actual diaper you nicked from Junior's bag sticking out of your costume diaper, and even if they could, nobody could hear you crinkling around the big family party with every step, and even if they could, nobody knows the reason why you're wearing that disposable under the goofy cloth diaper is so you can flood it at the party without leaving a big puddle.

That definitely isn't why Junior's dad is walking purposefully towards you with a change in hand.

Thanks for another wonderful year, squirts! Here's to another one spent putting runts in diapers and *keeping* runts in diapers!




Looks great!


Happy new year!


I need to know, is that suit+tutu coimbo inspired by Luz, which waas rocking that style in the Owl House? shorturl.at/RV028


Looking great! Happy new year :)

Larsen Lion

Happy new years !! oh that's so good, i really want to see more about junior's cousin especially the moment he steals the diapers and gets caught before his family imposes a new baby status on him and for junior i really wish that he discovers sexuality or at least develops fantasies with his father, that's my wish for the new year ^^


I haven't seen the show, but that's cute! I added it here because it's kind of become her signature item :)


This is great! I'd love to see a version of this without the cloth diaper, and just the disposable. Hope to also see when junior's cousin gets caught by liondad and changed into the diaper he stole in front of the family.


He’s so happy I hope he stays in diapers forever


The first of your characters actively putting themself in a diaper


If it's anything like how he changes Junior, then the poor cousin won't be getting any privacy when he's changed by Junior's dad out of that soggy first layer of his. 😏


I gotta see the change, that would be great


This is so cute, however i still thinking that Junior could be a great baby new year hahah


Love this post! Couldn’t ask for more of a New Years post.