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It's been a wild week of streaming this, and a wild year of making fun, silly, soggy, saggy, funny, horny, sweet and spicy art with you kids. Thanks for being an easy highlight of my year! Your support and kindness make doing this a possibility, and your friendly, dadthirsty comments and easygoing, respectful stream chat bants make doing it a pleasure.

Wherever you are and whoever you're spending it with, I hope the year's end brings you some time for peace and reflection, and that 2022 brings you all the best. Cheers, kiddos.




Can't get over Luther's look. The detail on this whole piece is really neat as well. Great job on this, feller.


Happy Christmas!


Love the composition! Merry Christmas, Puddles!


Thanks, Colt! I hope you scored all the best Christmas loot there 💪🎅👍