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Hey you munchkins,

I've been glad to make some progress on the ol' backlog here this month, but we're still not quite caught up yet, which means April refunds have been sent out! You can expect those to show up within a week or so.

I know I've mentioned it before, but going through my patron list here and seeing all your cute icons and goofy names never fails to bring a smile to my face. You all are wonderful, and it's a delight to have you here!

Can't wait to keep chipping through this backlog, and I hope to get back to caught up soon!

Stay dry, kiddos ???



Real sorry things keep getting in the way like that. But glad to hear that they are starting to get closer to completion. wishing ya the best. and hope they'll keep getting better. and courage dude! you can do it! X3c


Thanks very much! Having so many cool folks here definitely keeps me motivated to get through it <3


I didn't get a note or anything about the refund. Did they go out automatically?