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The animation is done and attached below! Just unzip the files and open the .htm page and you should be good to go! Apologies to you kiddos browsing on your phones: Patreon doesn't support Flash files yet, so there's no real way to make these mobile-accessible.

It wound up taking double long to get this one together because I needed to redo both characters, but hopefully from now on I'll only need to do one or the other depending on whether the person's asking for the Big or Little slot!

As always, super thanks for your patience, and look forward to more backlog stuff going up soon, then it's on to ExCiTiNg NeW aDvEnTuReS!



Andrew French

I feel like I'm missing something. I've downloaded and unzipped twice, and it's not working for me. Ah well.


Oh no! Are all three of the files in the zip archive getting extracted to the same folder? If all three are in the same place, I can confirm that it works, at least when viewed in a Chrome browser. It's also possible that your browser's local privacy/security settings are interfering with the Flash player, or that a third-party ad-blocker is doing so. Try checking those settings, maybe? I hope that helps!


Super happy to see you back at it. Finally in a financial position to throw money at your face monthly. :D