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Hey kids!

Between work and travel, it's been another crunchy month here, so you know the drill.  I'll be sending out refunds as payment comes in for February over the next week or so, and if I'm not able to get some art to y'all in March I might need to talk it over with you guys and figure out a new workload that's a bit more manageable alongside a full-time job.  If it comes to that, I'll poll you guys about what you'd be interested in and what seems fair, but for now I'm hoping that this has just been an extra-busy stretch and we can be back to the old hijinks soon!

Meantime, a big thanks from me for sticking around and being patient, and I hope it's been an awesome month for all you little sog monsters 🐯💖



I love that you're always honest about things like this. Hope things work out for the best for ya!