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Good day, Patrons! We just wanted to make a quick plug that we've posted a new progress report on our website, covering updates for the month of March! We have on our plate a couple of bug fixes, some graphical improvements, the first "performance win" for Intel GPUs, a really serious case of serendipity, and some groundwork for amazing improvements that will be coming to you in a "near-ish" future!

Continue reading this progress report on our website! 

As always – thank you for your support, and stay safe!

- The yuzu development team 




Just wanted to say hi! I added my support and will continue to do so monthly. I'm excited to see how far this project will go. Keep up the great work!

Luciano Jose de Santana Santos

Hello yuzu Team, due to the optimization that is still found in the emulator, all errors and crashes, and because the emulator needs a PC with a high Hardwere, I am ending my contributions to the project. In order for me to be able to play with this emulator, I will have to upgrade my PC, which is not possible at the moment. Or it would be better to buy the console itself with what I would spend on updating the PC. If later on the emulator has a better performance and is running on moderate PCs, maybe I will return with the collaborations. I thank you all for this work and I wish you luck with this project.


glad to have donated, from ea 420 to current fps in smash is almost at 50 aside from the character screen and winner screen, stoked to see how quickly things improve im not even using vulkan and have a strix 1080ti and a threadripper. is there a plan for online support maybe within the community? i hit y in pokemon by mistake and it crashed my game with an error, and froze the game but i could here it still running. lost progress a few times experimenting with buttons. lol


same here. That crash happens every time you hit something related to wireless connection (eg mystery gift)


yeah installing the wifi mod fix prevents it now, simple fix for now


I agree, that way I will also stop paying support. I was trying, I repeat, trying to play Pokemon Let's Go, because I couldn't play 5 minutes of the game without crashing. Even trying in all the most updated versions possible. I tried, tried, tried, until I gave up and went to test old versions of the emulator. I tested on version 8 of Yuzu and guess what? I was able to play with stability at 60 fps, with 4k resolution, in Open Gl and Shader Cache without crash. I hope that Yuzu improves and MUCH, and brings resources like the resolution that has already passed and MUCH time to fix it.


Sorry, having to pull support too. Good luck with the project. Just couldn't get anything to run right. Whether EA version or regular. Got pretty fed up trying. Maybe I was expecting too much too soon. Good luck again!


Now that I've actually contributed, I can't even figure out how to download the early access! I'm going to cancel my subscription and just go back to pirating. Ridiculous.


Just launch Yuzu maintenance tools (you can search for it in your tool bar), click modify and choose yuzu and yuzu early access. Voilà ! Pretty simple !


You're dumb. That happens to everyone when you join past a certain day a month.


cant seem to find my token lol


Yeah, where does the Token come from? Wasn't emailed.