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They are related?!?! WTF! XD This season is already better than S2, imo. Enjoy. 


Lorena Frazer

So based on info from previous seasons, so no new spoilers. The sibling relationships go like this. Shinichiro and Mikey are full siblings. Their parents have both passed away and they were raised by their grandpa. Emma has the same father, and she and Izana were raised by her mother until she abandoned them. Emma then went and started living with Shinichiro and Mikey. Izana and Emma were separated previously. He had never met Mikey or Shinichiro before Shinichiro found out about him and sought him out. It's pretty complicated, but the stuff about Emma's mom was mentioned in Season 1, and the stuff about Mikey's parents was mentioned at the end of Season 2. Hope that helps!


I appreciate it. Yeah, I now remember them bringing up Emma's situation, and the parents' death since you brought it up. It's definitely complicated. XD