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FANTASTIC EPISODE OF COTE S3! Wow! I LOVED this episode, man, and Sakayanagi is easily one of my favorites in this series. I loved her characterization this episode. What did you think of this one? Enjoy. 


Classroom of the Elite S3 Episode 11 Full Reaction

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I feel like Koenji was secretly smart enough to win mental math, but I ain't surprised he didn't even try. That's pretty much been his M.O. so far


Same. Dude is so nonchalant. XD It's interesting. I went back and watched the scene. He ignored all the questios except for the last one which is arguably the hardest. So, as Arisu put it, he would have been a problem if he tried. I feel like he is going to come in clutch when it matters, but I'm really interested to learn more about him.


Amazing reaction!