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(Check the edit at the bottom)

Hey guys wanted to inform you on a decision I’m mulling over regarding weekly rewards. So I’m thinking about only including the new stuff for that week in each new link. So that means each set of weekly rewards will only be available until the next week.

This is because currently each weekly rewards link contains new stuff as well as ALL the old rewards. So there’s no incentive or reward for anyone who stayed pledged over a long period of time and has been charged, since a new patron can just pledge after them, be charged just once, and get everything that older patrons have ever gotten at once.

For example: you’ll have someone who got charged four times in one month and pays a total of $10, and someone else who only joined in the last week and pays $2.50 for that week, yet they’ll both have gotten the same amount of rewards for different pledge amounts. I don’t think that’s fair and it’s easily exploitable.

Now the only issue I’m having is that I know new patrons could be coming here because they saw my preview of the 2B pic, Lilo comic, or anything else that’s already been posted in a link. And it’d suck to learn they missed out.

But on the other hand, they still will get the perks of early access to every new comic page, pinup, and poll from the date they signed up. So I think it’s fair.

Let me know what you guys think below.

EDIT: Comics and pics from here will eventually make it to my Twitter and other pages on a 3 week delay. So anyone new won’t have “missed them”, just missed the opportunity for early access. And early access is what this Patreon is about. So I feel this is a reasonable move.



How about setting it so that each weeks rewards are in different folders and then you can share a new link each week


I understand where you come from but it's kinda bothersome


How would someone new get access to your old work then? I came cause I heard you were doing an old comic again. What if I missed a page?


Maybe the suggestion from Nicholas above? Well tbh we just have to save everything and then it's problem solved I guess


I believe that for today, you raise the previous rewards, I apologize for not supporting you in the previous week, I do not know why patreon suspended me ... and well I missed the previous remcompesa and I was sad and unhappy :'(. a greeting :)


Previous pages will be publicly released on my Twitter and other pages starting this Friday. There would be a delay of course but anything missed on Patreon will eventually go there. And you’d still be getting access to new stuff here.


It's a real shame that Patreon basically makes creators do this. I know it's your instinct to have a sleek, easy-to-use storefront for getting your images out, and this several step process must drive you nuts. I felt the exact same way when I started having to do it. But I admire your resolve in figuring out the best way to handle it and communicating clearly with your patrons.


Yeah I just don’t want to get my Patreon taken down guys. I know the link system can be complicated but that’s the reason I do it this way.


That sounds like what I’m essentially thinking about doing, sending out a link to the new content each week. Correct me if I’m wrong?


Oh, but this has a simple solution. Just create a more expensive "beginner tier", that gives you all the old stuff and the stuff for that month. Then next month they can change to the normal tier.


This is a terrible idea. If someone is supporting you then they should get to see your work.


The thing is.... I feel that’s a problem that comes from how Patreon works. Newly subscribed people will get older posts from that same Patreon, for a relatively “cheaper” price, basically what you’re saying. You might look at it unfairly, but I think the value comes at the fact that people are able to see your art earlier, so i think that the system that you have right bow is a good one. Could it be better? Yeah, sure, but, like previously stated, that’s a problem that a lot of Patreons have


The problem is I just learned you had a Patreon and I was excited to see all of the work I missed but now I don’t know how to see it


I've seen other patreons post there work on here but send a High res link of the work they did on the previous month on the 1st of the next month


I think there should maybe be a tier option where you pay a certain amount more for all of the previous content plus new updates.