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THANK YOU GUYS FOR THE PATIENCE! Here we are after taking the weekend off to recharge and rest, I finished the remaining sketches after doing a few of them earlier in February on stream, all the monochromatic cel-shading style ones (like the first one)  were done today and I had alot of fun with all of them! 🙌💖 I've put a little extra cooking into them, I hope you guys like them!! Been also experimenting with lineart brushes again  this month, if you look closely you might notice it, been really vibing with a textured G-Pen brush for this batch c: Lots of variety again in this month's batch but it was a great and really fun challenge, also someone actually requested Kiran/Grima Paizuri time 😌

Thank you all so much for the lovely requests and as usual thank you SO much for your support! 🫶

I will probably post this month's update post either today or tomorrow, I have a few things to take care of today so depending on how long they take I'll post the update first thing tomorrow 🙌



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