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I am here with my mother who has been dealing with cancer for a while. It had taken quite a bit out of me as this is the woman who raised me and now she lies on her deathbed. Tonight things took a turn for the worse and it seemed that she was going to pass. It was not a silent action like her body was giving up, it was violent and horrific. The moment passed, but it is very plain and clear, time is very short and it could be any day now.  I am in quite a mess as the loving words she says to me are like eating glass. I might have to take a hiatus while this is going on. I'm not sure what to do about my work as it is something I still plan on doing, but everything is muddy right now. 



So sorry to hear this man. Its a very tough thing losing a parent. Take all the time you need.


You do what you gotta do man big fan of your work hope your doing as well as anyone in your situation can it's never easy losing some you love


I know how you feel my mom got cancer when was in grade school hope she pulls through


Hope she's doing ok rn dude 😢😢


@JumpJump can you do Lori loud and Leni loud Pedal Pumping Comic?