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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/st2uo8dckhdlynggqzmlp/My-Hero-Academia-S04E14-Bright-Future-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=00b8u1io3sy6l1vf6ar9ocah7&dl=0

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One common interpretation of the Overhaul arm-removing scene is his scream at the end is because he realized that he can't restore his adopted father to health like he had planned on doing, so he's likely stuff in a coma for life.

Brendan O'Connor

Like with Stain, Shigaraki has learned a lesson from Overhaul: you need a thought out plan in order to achieve your goal. What will that plan be? Sir Nighteye’s passing is the first seen death in this show, and it has a lot of impact especially for a character we’ve only recently been introduced to.