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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/a3bhv8cjikf2c9b2ppy6m/Daredevil-S03E06-The-Devil-You-Know-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=uff0l3r1oder0xkp2r6saoc68&dl=0

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Brandon Wiesner

I can't help but think, if Matt had just let himself be discovered by the FBI in the building right after Dex attacked, that would have them saying well, I guess you're not Daredevil.

Patrick - Excelsior

The previous episode he told the FBI that he had some demands for his continued assistance in providing information on the Albanians. The returning of all his luxuries must been part of his demands. When did Foggy get so wise. That speech he gave Karen in car was something. Very different from how he felt in Season 2. That nun seemed very hard on Matt before. Seems she’s not so hard on him now. Damn, everyone is going all pro Matt now. Well, except the FBI. Watching this episode I thought of something. A parallel with another show with serial killer working for law enforcement that was discovered as a killer as a child but taught how to hide and control who he kills. Both had the nickname, Dex. Poindexter and Dexter, what a pair. Now Matt and Daredevil are framed. Karen said Foggy was ok, but what about the newspaper guy she worked for. He got something thrown at him and he went down. Is he ok?