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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/v1qswie2zju5coc51sfag/Person-Of-Interest-S03E14-Provenance-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=j1b5twf3sgavsx9jmenlux7ae&dl=0

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"I moved it to the history section a week ago" gives me the idea that Shaw likes the newest/updated weapons and John likes more classic weapons or something. I love Harold and John together, but no one does sassy like Zameen. Theory: she was dismissed from gymnastics after getting pregnant via some grown man who should have known better (I imagine I'm reaching, there's just been too much that's come out about US gymnastics coaches, trainers, etc.). She then is indebted to someone who helped give her a new life and has to pay them back by using those skills to steal stuff. A super reach, but I had to give a theory before we learned the truth. Hold on, I imagine she's stolen way more than what that watch was worth. So gross. Fusco! I've missed him (even though it hasn't been that long). I also miss Root. Wonder where she's been. Hey, I think that Interpol guy was a reaper in Grimm. Earlier in the show I think. How convenient for there to bars there for her to use to swing across to the caged area. This was a good plan. Wrapped up quite prettily.


Hi Shannan i recently subscribed to your Patreon and have now fully catched up on your Person Of Interest reactions , this show is very special to me and one of my favorite shows of all time , most characters in it are good but i SO love Root and Shaw ! they really struck gold when they wrote these characters , ps i'm also watching and loving your Agents Of Shield reactions which is a very special show to me too


*a voice is heard whispering from behind the monitors Froots.. pssst.. Froots It's me... Tony ..Your bestie.. Remember? What do you mean you don't? ...Rude Anyways.. I'm still here.. The monkey hasn't moved It MIGHT. have noticed it is being watched I tried leading it away with some breadsticks but you ate them Didn't really help the situation there dum dum I'll keep trying though.. Maybe switch to bananas? I'll fill you in on any further progress No worries.. I haven't left your side.. And I'm not going to Although yes.. Technically I'm behind your monitors and not at your side but that's besides the point Stop nitpicking and just try to... Act... Casual Shhhhhhh 🤫 (slowly disappears back behind monitors)