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1. I meeeeeaaaannn... While I agree the whole "daddy" thing is weird in a romantic way ....I think it's ALSO. weird for a grown ass woman to call her dad "daddy" ...And I'm not saying cause of the supposed romantic undertone usage of the term ...I'm saying that "daddy" is something a kid would say ...And you're not a kid anymore Froots 2. Just FYI.. Don't believe everything you're told ...Callista and Robert were rumored to have been dating around the time of shooting Ally.. Keyword "rumored" ...From what I could find they DID. apparently flirt on set but it was never confirmed that they dated 3. Yeeeeeaahh true Froots... Stinky Bish from the previous episode DID. seem to have a VERY. active sex life and probably stamped ALL. the STD's off the checklist at her doctor ....In fact... I'mma go ahead and put a bet on it that she was patient zero on at least a few of them 4. You're absolutely right Froots.. Stinky Bish had some sort of "aura" that helped her attract men ....But realistically (if one could even call it that) ....This supposed aura would've ALSO. worked AGAINST her self-interest ....I didn't even see that until you mentioned it in the comment reading part .....In a different world this whole episode could've been dark as FUCK. 5. And yeah the show's message of "Men can't help themselves around attractive women" that they use a lot is quite insulting too ....As a guy I can tell you with 100% honesty ...I've seen some attractive women.. But said women could have an absolutely HORRIBLE. personality ....As a guy who puts personality BEFORE. looks ANY. FUCKING. DAY. of the week ....This show's message that apparently men are all just a bunch of horny dogs is WRONG. and again.. Insulting 6. And I agree about the overall feel of this season ...It's gone downhill ...But in my opinion.. Having RDJ on the show has made it bearable cause HIS. scenes are GOOD. (Jeebus I am only NOW starting the episode itself) 7. You about Larry having to work on his birthday: "Sometimes people have to work on their birthday.. Get over it ...Like my birthday fell in the middle of the week I wasn't expecting anyone to do anything special ..........That happened episodes ago ..Why am I talking about it now?" .....Cause you're still bitter Froots! ...But hey... I was there ...We hung out and played some games ...That should count 8. Seriously... The FUCK. is wrong with Ally??? Why is she so fixated on thinking there's something wrong between her and Larry?? I mean... SURE. the dude praaaaactically missed her birthday (I'm sorry but you TAKE. TIME. OFF. if it's that important) ...But he ended up making it right with a big gesture ...Dude sang a song for her WITH. Sting.... Does that not count?!!? Me thinks Ally has a good thing going and is trynna sabotage it 9. You asked.. I looked.. No news on the Ally McBeal revival / reboot / sequel / spin-off front ...There was an article dated 2 months ago but it was just a rehash of things said in the article from 2022 .....So yeah... As of right now there's nothing to report ...IF it's even still happening ...One can however perhaps take into account that it got put on the backburner due to the strikes ...IF that doesn't just mean the idea went up in smoke alltogether 10. Aaaaaaaaahhh... Oooookkkeeeeyyy... I WAS wondering who the fuck the blonde girl in the thumbnail was ...I didn't recognise her ....Yeah that looks like a wig 11. Really Richard??? You NEED. to see the pictures of her naked cause of legal reasons??? Dude... Just ..No. 12. "They don't show your George W" ......Really?? A "bush" joke using the name of a politician?? ...Gross ...I guess since this came out in 2000 they thought they were on-topic with G.W.Bush being president (I think) ....Awkward 13. HA! John starts prepping to a sped up version of the Barry White song ....I was like ...Jeebus this sounds twice as fast as "normal" ....You: "That's how Tony watches these episodes" .....Preeeeetty much yeah ...I guess it was playing at 4x the speed now since I watch a lot of stuff at 2x the speed these days already 14. Wait GHWAT!?!?!? Omg Allyyyyy... Allyyyyy.. Poor poor woman... Your guy took you out on a romantic date??? Yeeeeeeaaahh.... You're riiiiight.. Dude is so looking to dump your ass ....Jeebus... This woman doesn't know a daaaaamn thing about anything 15. Aaaaaand then Tony Stark got turned into a chocolate covered ice-cream (missing some strawberries Ally) .....See... This is why communication is IMPORTANT!!! ....Ally is waaaaaaaay too insecure about shit and needs to sort that stuff the FUCK. out .....Larry is trynna figure out a way to propose and this neurotic woman is blowing it for herself ....Poor dude ...He can do better 16. Oooookeeey... She broke up with Larry over the phone ...I bet she didn't even hear him out ...Welp Ally... You could've had it all ...Buuuutttt I guess you didn't deserve to be happy 17. When signing a contract you must be aware of the details so you know WHAT. you're signing... A contract might have a cool-off rule which means there's a certain amount of time where you can change your mind and you can void a contract ...I'm suspecting that this doesn't apply to the girls that Richard is representing and so cancelling the contract will be difficult if not impossible ...But this is Ally McBoogieWoogie ...I'm sure even Richard of all people will be able to make it happen 18. "All men lie and cheat" .....This show and it's odd takes ...It's.. COMPLETELY... WRONG.... Takes... On things ...NOT. all men cheat! ...I know cause I happen to be one of them ...I'm a guy... I would NEVER. cheat (in a relationship) ...I find the whole idea of cheating (in a relationship) to be disgusting ....If you love someone... You DON'T cheat. END. of story. 19. I'm confused... Why does Richard need John to represent the girl??? I must've missed something while typing ....I'm assuming Richard has a law degree??? Why... Aside from the obvious attempt at comedy... Does he need to talk to John over a headset to represent the blonde girl?? ....Like... Give me a legit reason other than the attempt at shits and giggles 20. Richard: "When you park your car you get a ticket with legal language on it ...When you go to a ballgame there's all this waiver of liability language at the back of the stub ...There's legal language stuff all around us that doesn't mean that it's read much less understood" .......Yeeeeaaaahhh... Eeeeeehhmmm.. While that's definitely the case... Most people sign shit without reading ....That's NOT. a good argument to make in court ...I very much doubt that if you'd use THIS. argument in court you'd lose the case ....These people are used to legal stuff and they EXPECT. you to read the fine print mah dude ...I don't see how Richard can win this case with THAT. argument no matter how much it applies to basically everyone these days (including myself... cause ...FUCK. reading) 21. The fact that Jane (the blonde girl.. I heard her name enough times for it to process) didn't have legal council WHILE. signing a contract like that was partially her own fault... I say partially since the company she signed with SHOULD have informed her what was gonna happen and advised her to get council .....None of what Richard is saying would hold up in court ...I highly doubt you can win a case by claiming to be stupid ...added later... And yet this is why they won 22. You were wondering if this was the same actress who played Ally's mum before ...The answer is yes it was 23. I dunno... I feel like Ally deserved that note ....Sure.. Yes.. Larry DID. have commitment issues... But Ally wasn't any better.. As I said she was sabotaging herself by not communicating and instead judging without knowing the full truth ...Ofcourse it must be difficult to secretly try and arrange something like a proposal but it doesn't help if your partner is sus all the time and won't talk about it