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I love episodes where it's hard to decide which is the a plot and which is the B plot. They're both pretty strong here. Although I'll have to save most of the reasoning until after the resolution of the two parter.


1. Aight... Since you've got a bit of a problem pronouncing the world "Archeologist" and I for daaaaamn sure don't and won't remember the guy's name ....I'mma call him Rock Dude from now on ...Since he likes to dig up rocks and examine them ....He was never even an archeologist to begin with I think ....Sooooo.. Rock Dude it is ...added a minute later... HA! You: "Please call him something else" ...I guess I saw this coming 2. I'll explain it... No worries ....So my joke about how Valenti and Maria's mum were gonna be quote/unquote "cleaning gutters" and "tossing salad" ...If you'd know you'd know ....But... And feel free to NOT. read this next part out loud ...The joke I made suggested they were gonna do anal stuff 3. Hoooold UP. .....Maria and Michael are on the roof and they see some action going on inside the hardware store ....2 people are having all kindsa sex and we cut back to Maria saying "He's not actually gonna plug that thing in is he??" with Michael following "Go baby go yeeeah!!" .....Ok first of all.. What kinda rating did this show have?? And second.. WHAT. was he plugging in??? ....Third ...WHERE. was he plugging it into?? 4. Yeeeeeaaah.. The living room??? Weird place to saw logs mah dude ...You're gonna be finding saw dust for YEARS. to come 5. Ok... I'm beginning to suspect more and more that Rock Dude ain't who he says he is ....Also WHY. was he allowed to come into an interogation carrying a gun he "found in the desert"?? 6. Ooooooookeeeeey... And now.. With that blue shit just turning into goo and attacking Max.. Plus Rock Dude turning around and jumping at Valenti... I'm guessing that Rock Dude might be under the influence of that blue flubber looking shit ....And Liz just said the blue shit isn't interested in terrestrial organisms ....Sooooo... Is Rock Dude an alien? 7. Ehhhmmm... Dude just got YEETED. across the room and they tell him he "fainted"??? I'm not a doctor buuuuutttt... Normally when you faint you don't wake up on the other side of the room with a sharp pain in your chest ....Then again I dunno.. I don't faint