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Aleph Sharp

"does it make you laugh? Does it make you cry?" "Yes." "What's more human than that?" That short conversation is genuinely one of my favorites in the show, the whole latter half of this episode always gets me to cry at Some point, not always the same point, but its just a barrage of these big concepts and extremely emotional sentimental moments at the end, in between the action. SUCH a good episode. Anyway, to my question: what do you think? Can the machine care? Does it? Is it alive? Is it a person? And on a more plot-level, Who was the white haired old guy at the end? I love that in addition to plot-level questions, this show asks questions that we as people, and as human societies, don't know yet like those above. Questions about life and memory and morality, while at the same time having been this street-level action crime show with a scifi twist


Yes, Harold does always use birds for last names. Some examples that I remember: Finch, Wren, Crane, Partrige, Crow. It's something I noticed a while ago, but didn't know why those were the names he chose. *sigh* government people are so annoying. In literally every show/movie, their characters seem so stupid. Like "you're telling me the truth, but I don't want to hear it so I'm going to act as though enough brute force will make the truth what I want to hear". Ugh. WHAT did they do at MIT that THIS reminds him of college!? John is seriously struggling. Maybe Lionel should leave him there for a while to process his grief. If the thought that Harold is in danger isn't even enough to help him get through, I don't know what is. Oh noooo a WORKING second machine. Sumaritan could cause serious problems, especially if it's "open" for human control. Humans definitely can't be trusted to run something like that. Ooooh I was wondering when we heard the beeping if the machine was telling Root she had to let this happen. I guess I was right! Damn, took them long enough, but John and Lionel finally came through! Now we just need to get Root back. The relationship between Harold and his dad is so sweet. I'm so sad to see his memory declining like this.