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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sdfgvefpcf0gyqd2ofq7b/Chuck-S04E13-Chuck-Versus-The-Push-Mix-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=8cx4eu4ardgnhazbnhi04qf9y&dl=0

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Patrick - Excelsior

Sorry Shan, but Jeffster singing Push It Real Good in a maternity ward is freaking hilarious. I laugh every single time. Especially when Ellie says "Oh God!" and Cassie say "Jeffster!". That's funny stuff. At least to me. FYI. the guns used by Volkov's men in the computer room aboard the ship are P90s, the same guns used on Stargate.

Jeremy Burch

I love this episode, I think it was great watching Chuck outsmart and take down Volkoff. I also love the way they did the proposal at the end, it's one of the few TV proposals that have stuck in my head. I've said it before, so it's not really a surprise, but I like when they use Jeffster in the show, it means you know something important is about to happen. Although I still like the show using them in this episode, it was probably the most funny/over the top use of them, then they've done before, which did make this my least favorite use of them. I really liked Casey's moments with his daughter in this episode, also Casey's really been having great advice moments with people lately, first with Chuck a few episodes ago and now Awesome. It's really crazy how far he's come since season 1, where we can now talk about his great relationship advice for Chuck, his family advice for Awesome and his relationship with his daughter. You were right about Sarah's outfit, the all black was a bit much, also, they must have spent there whole budget on guests this season and left nothing for wigs.


Alright I'll be the one to do it. The only thing more worse than the inappropriate song over the hospital intercom was the lack of initiative from hospital security. They should've thrown Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dumbass out a LOT. sooner and called the cops on their asses. Also... Why were random people dancing WITH. them?? That just made it even more cringey than it already was. Yeah I said it. Those 2 bozos are the WORST. part about the show. That's my opinion. Mic drop.