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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vb1ocx618ey009cq3395f/Roswell-S02E12-We-Are-Family-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=efwio8s5vbhjcw4t50fezg1m7&dl=0

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1. About my note about Archeologist Dude picking up Isabel who is 18: "Is she 18??" ....I'm fairly certain she had her 18th birthday earlier this season ...There was a party at the Crashdown or whatever and she didn't seem all that interested ...Alex did an inappropriate dance for Isabel in front of her mum ......Anyways ....18... STILL. seems like Archeologist Dude is a bit too old for her ...And adding the fact that Max and Isabel's parents weren't at home at the time he was picking her up and he was basically acting like he owned the place ....Kinda weird 2. Don't you just LOVE. the fact you're explaining that we used to have credit on a phone which you had to buy at a store .....How old do YOU. feel? (pre-paid cards are still a thing by the way) 3. Honestly I sometimes forget Alex is even part of this show... I did a little digging and just read some vague notions that the actor didn't really like to be on the show .....I guess that explains his constant absence .....Perhaps next time don't sign onto a show you don't want to be part of mah dude 4. Not-Sheriff Valenti: "As you kids say.. It's sucks big" ...You: "Do kids really say that?" .....I don't think so ..."It sucks big time" maybe... But "It sucks big"??? Seems like they were intentionally trynna make him sound old 5. Is it just me or does Sean kinda give off Mark Zuckerberg vibes??? ....I think he kinda looks like him with the hair and the face .....I'm call him Zuck now.... Not cause Mark and I got waaaay back ...But just cause he looks like Zuckerberg and I feel Sean is gonna kinda suck 6. Okeeeey... So I'm fairly certain that back in Season 1 Isabel and Alex were kinda close ...Like... Closer than "Just friends" ...ALMOST. to the point of dating ....I don't remember them acknowledging NOT. pursueing this and they kinda gave the hint that more was to come .....Sooooo... With Isabel now pursueing Archeologist Dude ....And Alex apparently having a long distance relationship with some Swedish girl ...I guess we just dropped that whole storyline??? Is this another thing that had to be written into the show cause the actor couldn't be bothered to be in the show??? ...More evidence that the vague stuff I read about actually is true? 7. You fucked up the joke Froots... It's not the "David Boreanaz" ..It's the "Aurora Boreanaz" ....You tried Froots... You tried 8. Sure Max... Great idea... Why would noone think twice if Kyle would walk into Valenti's office (to steal some evidence) .....Like... Sure... Some kid can just walk into a sheriff's office like that??? ESPECIALLY if it's the son of a guy who's under investigation??? 9. Yeeeeeahh.. Liz is acting like she's never gonna see the world ....Whether you're 17... 27... 50 .....It doesn't matter... You can STILL. travel the world ....I meeeeaaan... The more you wait the less time you have ....But Liz.. You're 17... Stop being a drama queen 11. Maria's mum comes over to Valenti's house and Valenti says he's gonna be busy cleaning out gutters ...Maria's mum says she wants to make him a killer salad ....Sooooo... They're gonna be cleaning gutters and tossing salad??? .....Aight (use urban dictionary if you don't understand the joke) 12. "You look like roadkill" .......Zuck... Dude.. Liz looks cute as FUCK. (I checked.. she was 22 around the time of this episode) 13. Michael smashes a window with his powers ...Isabel: "Y'know you could have just used your foot?" ......OR... And hear me out... Perhaps he could've opened the window with his mind WITHOUT smashing it?? ...Y'know? ...Leaving less of a mess for people to go "Oh shit.. Someone broke into the place.. Let's maybe call the cops to investigate this" 14. True... Kyle was being a bit of a little shit telling Max to stay away ....Dude saved your life! Be a little bit more appreciative!