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Patrick - Excelsior

Wow, that was a long cold open. Nick hides The Magic Stick in the tunnel under his loft and while there manages to get the steel door open. He decides to finish exploring it later, why, I don’t know. He and Hank question the dude that the show appears to want us to believe he is a Werewolf. Or would it be here a Wer-Blubad. Adalind meets up with Renard and he tells her that Misner is the one that took Diana. Juliette plays spy at the Red Heads house, while Monroe and Rosalee go sniff hunting at the Wrewolf crime scene. They find some dead people. Juliette then tells Nick about the Red Head, the assassination and Renard. Turns out the dudes mom is the Were-blutbad. They go after her she attacks Wu and they have to kill her. I feel bad for them. They weren’t bad people. Mom just had a disease the made her Blutbad go more stronger more animalistic and more dangerous. Uh oh, Wu got scratched. Can humans catch the disease???


I feel like the Grimm team was being quite not smart here. This is something that's supposed to happen three times a month, every month. There hasn't been a pattern of murders in all this time and it doesn't occur to them that the family had found a way to deal with the disease? They assumed they knew who it was, even though they knew it's genetic and it never occurred to them that maybe they were wrong about who in the family was sick? I kind of feel bad for the mom trying to tie herself up so she doesn't hurt anyone and having to do it alone because they took the person who helps her. In the end, it's kind of Nick and Hank's fault that she died because they made so many assumptions and it never occurred to them that they could be wrong. The Wu getting sick thing seems strange. I guess if people have been killing those with the disease for so long, there's a chance it's been a long time since a kehrseite has been scratched so they don't know anymore. Still seems strange.