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Retro Tom

Hope you're feeling better Shan. Your hair looks good. A big reason for the change in the show was Brad Wright realized that since season 6 they were doing "one more year" before going into a movie & that 1 year had turned into 3 years. He felt the Goa'uld in general had been played out so they made the commitment to start a new long term story rather then drag things out for another year. Same reason we got Dr. lam, when they decided to plan for the long term they made a new permanent doctor


Please never get a more comfortable chair.


I'm kinda disappointed that the bracelets linking Daniel and Vala are off now. The bracelet was the only thing keeping Vala around. Oh well. Hopefully we see her again later on in the show.


Not an Stargate watcher here. I did however know Ben Browder and Claudia Black as the leads in another show that I loved, Farscape (others have mentioned it in the comments here, and I remember that you reacted to its pilot a while back). So I was just curious enough to look in and see how they were incorporated into SG-1 as regular or recurring characters, which I was vaguely aware of before. I'm not gonna lie, I was a bit jealous to see all the attention that Vala was giving to Daniel (whoever that guy is ^^) instead of Mitchell. But objectively, looks like they were having a good time in the new roles. I'm glad that you have a chance to enjoy them now. P.S.: Just wondering, is Claudia Black a big deal in Australia?


1. Since I didn't have any notes last week since I wanted to watch the 3 parter the normal way... One thing about my notes for 8x20..... It's Minnesotan .....There's no "i" in there Froots.. Yet you SOMEHOW managed to read that word.... AND not once... Not twice ....But THREE times managed to add an "i" into it ....It's not Minnesotian .....It's Minnesotan ....As in people from the state of Minnesota in the U.S. ........You just did it again?? Didn't you? ..Frikkin Froot Loop 2. Soooo... 2 things about the puzzle rooms ...1 is a thing you didn't get to see... In the broken Stargate mod for ARK... In order to get the Puddle Jumper you were supposed to get a gate address (which we did) and then you'd use that address to dial the gate which would lead you to a temple (but we died instantly going there) ...In this temple was a puzzle ...You might see where this is going ...The puzzle was a recreation of the puzzle room that Daniel and Vala were in ...You'd select "The universe is infinite" and you'd get teleported back to the main hall of the temple where a Puddle Jumper would spawn as the reward 3. Second thing about the puzzle room but in this case Mitchell and Teal'cs room ...As I said in voice this puzzle was pretty lame... And I did some extra digging to make sure I was right about what I told you.. Wiki CLAIMS the legend of King Arthur took place around 1500... But several other sources (sites such as the university of British Columbia.. Most likely supported by people who ACTUALLY did the research.. unlike people on Wiki) contradict this... Since there is an old Welsh poem that dates back to the late 6th century which apparently references the legend of King Arthur... Many years before the dates supported by Wiki's claims (More proof to never trust Wiki) ....But that aside ...The look of the numbers used in the puzzle aren't what we used around the 6th century either ...Hell.. Even in the 15th century those numbers didn't quite match up with the way they look today.. I also looked that up ...To give some idea of what numbers looked like.. Even IF those numbers are supposed to be the equivalent of 15th century numbers.. The number 4 looked like a curly ribbon (think cancer ribbon) ...The number 5 looked like a backwards 4 and the number 7 looked more like a pyramid.. Basically a 7 on it's side ...I'm not even gonna attempt to describe what the 6th century numbers looked like... But most of them didn't look anything like the ones used in this episode ...The creators of this episode didn't do enough research sadly which to me made this puzzle extra lame 4. Aaaaand not to wish ANY. ill will towards Daniel nor Vala... Buuuuuttt... The fact they were just able to close the lid on those pots and re-take the puzzle was kinda stupid 5. And so the Ori have entered the picture... Y'know me Froots.. I absolutely GHATE! religion... But Stargate has done an awesome job depicting what it would do on a galactic scale... The Ori are as close to actual gods as one can get ...Not just some dressed up snakes with stolen tech and a Jaffa army... No.. The Ori have an entire galaxy of human followers who will kill for their gods if so told and their gods have ACTUAL. power and access to all the knowledge in the universe ...We're talking evil ascended beings here who don't give a flying FUCK. about the non-interference rule ...Worship them or die ..No middle ground.. Can a comparison be made between the Goa'uld and The Ori? Sure.. In some way... But the Goa'uld are NOTHING. compared to The Ori ...An ascended being could destroy a ship with a single thought.. No Goa'uld can do that ...Luckily for some reason the Ancients were shielding us from The Ori .....All I can say is... This is gonna be fun 6. I don't think we get to meet many people from other worlds where we get to know their last name ....Vala Mal Doran ....They're really trynna make you feel for the character.. Trynna get you hooked ....Only to "Burn her alive" at the end of 9x02 for extra dramatic effect ....I doubt we'd feel the same about Random Off-World Guy Number 2 .....But then again.. Vala Mal Doran was fucking awesome! 7. Froots when the Prior brings back Vala: "Oh ok.. Yay... Ok... Phew.. I was gonna have words" .....Also Froots: "I think I just didn't believe that she was dead.. Like the whole time that it was happening.. I'm like she's just gonna wake up" .....For real Froots?? ..You looked pretty shocked and kept repeating "No" when she died 8. No official word on as to why 9x03 is called Origin other than it WAS. originally called Avalon: Part 3 but was renamed during shooting 9. Soooo... As we now know... The Ancients hid us from The Ori... Buuuuutttt also didn't stop us from finding the means to go to The Ori galaxy and by doing so alert them to our existence.. Cause of "free will"?? ....What was the point of hiding us in the first place then? Why are they allowing us to be found all of a sudden??? This sounds an aweful lot like some kids playing around with toys ...Making up the rules as they go along or just seeing how shit plays out for the fun of it ...Sure The Ori are bad... But The Ancients aren't much better 10. I dunno man... Doci: "Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all who embrace evil.. In the name of the gods ships shall be built to carry our warriors out amongst the stars" .....It's just a bit redonkulous to believe these people who seem to be living in the dark ages are capable of building ships that go through space ....I mean sure we've seen Ori rings ....But to think these very technologically underdeveloped people would have the knowledge to understand how to build anything high tech is just .....I dunno... Kinda funny 11. O'neill apparently didn't retire.. I'm not entirely sure what his EXACT position is as of 9x03 but obviously he's not the commander of the SGC anymore ...I suppose it's left up to imagination 12. Daniel admitting to O'neill that for the first time he's actually scared of what might happen should show how dangerous this situation with The Ori actually is ...He understands the difference between the Goa'uld and The Ori ....Sorry Froots.. Looks like Daniel isn't gonna be going to Atlantis 13. I'll add this here... Interesting little thing about Chevron Guy's full name.. In 9x01 we get to find out his full name for the first time "Walter Harriman" ...BEFORE. this point the character's name was a bit of a mess ...His first name was an on the spot ad-lib by RDA back in Season 4 episode "2010" ...His name tag in that very episode said his last name was Davis ...Thus his full name would obviously be Walter Davis ...But in the script for "2010" we never really got to know his name ....Due some confusion over the years when Don. S. Davis addressed the character as Airman in a thick Texas accent all the time in 9x01 the character's official name was spoken out loud and made canon ....Walter (as in the name RDA ad-libbed) Harriman (which is what Airman sounds like in a thick Texan accent) ....Not sure why Hammond kept calling him Airman though.. Since Walter introduces himself to Mitchell as Chief Master Sergeant Walter Harriman ....Or was it Cheese Master Sergeant?? The edit for this episode that goes up on YouTube seems to think it's cheese ....Weird ...Anyways.. Continue

James Yancy

General O'Neill was promoted to Head of Home World Security, while Gen. Hammond was promoted to a senior advisory role to the President. In other words, O'Neill was overseeing day to day aspects of all matters of Home World defense, (including Earth's growing fleet of starships), while Hammond was given a less busy schedule, but still in a very high position of authority. Hammond's position might be thought of as a civilian role as Secretary of Home World Security with O'Neill reporting directly to him.