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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/fs768fappzwa5phfle18n/Titans-S04E11-Project-Starfire-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=p7cfm6a8vvil9kefewpm9i5wr&dl=0

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Brandon Wiesner

We are almost at the end of the show and it sucks. It already sucks that the show's live airing ended. I enjoyed it and thought it was pretty good. It started off shaky but when the characters grew more and started to more closely resemble the team we know and love, it was really good, particularly this season. It will also be sad when Doom Patrol's finale reaction drops, because it will be the end of DC's HBO Max Verse of live action shows. At least we still have Harley Quinn and one more season of S&L...


1. You: "It's the penultimate episode, guys.. You better have things to say in the comments" .....Ehhmmm... Ok.. Putting a lot of pressure on me there Froots ...But here we go ...."Things to say" ....There... We good? ...No?? ...Aight... Well.. Screw you ..I tried 2. Tim to bad guys: "I'm a friend of Dick Grayson" .....Dude... You just outed Dick as being part of the Bat family ...On your FIRST night out as Robin ....Good fucking job man! 3. Rude... Aerial shot of Metropolis and they're showing off the Daily Planet ....We're never gonna get to see him won't we? 4. What's with Mother Bleached Eyebrows new look?? ....First it's weird eye shadow ....Now all of a sudden she actually looks normal when meeting Sebastian Sausage ...The fuck is going on!? 5. Why does Kory keep having visions of standing in front of a stargate? We gonna get another alternate earth crossover? (fingers crossed) 6. While it may SOUND like it was recent.. Kory got her blue fire power in Season 3 Froots... Lex was still alive then ...So it IS. possible he had some intel on her and her powers 7. I don't know if I said this before... But the shot of the outside of the Titans bus... Does NOT. match the interior of the bus ...The interior is too wide compared to how thin the bus looks from the outside 8. Aight... Conner is gonna be a good guy again?? It's about fucking time! 9. Ok I wondering when Klaus was gonna get his costume.. I agree... It looks a bit janky