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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2qy11mnaolgcssiknxssg/Loki-S02E05-Science-Fiction-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=gptuo1atti7g3z79pvsdb8lre&dl=0

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Patrick - Excelsior

My fav part was Loki in front of Jet Ski store, moving like the inflatable tube man. That was funny. Great episode. Interesting to see the gangs original lives. I found 2 of them interesting. - The TVA woman was a doctor, a person that was dedicated to saving lives became an enforcer tasked with pruning life away. - Casey who when we first saw him was collecting people's personal items that were brought to the TVA, was a thief. (Not just any thief but Frank Morris, the man famous for escaping Alcatraz). - Mobius and OB made sense, we knew Mobius had something to do with jet skis and OB a scientist and writer. I get why Sylvie had her tempad. Hers is always strapped to her wrist. But I don't know why only she retained her memories, maybe because she is a Loki. She might of gone back to McDonalds because that is where, in her mind, she thinks of as home. Same as why Loki went back to the TVA.


I'll leave this here just in case you'd like to know and since you'll probably be recording 2x06 today. According to an interview done yesterday with creators of the show. There are currently no plans for a 3rd season, however they did say they felt they had more stories to tell. Only time will tell if this is the series finale or not.