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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/96hr31xdmuyw237yki80e/Stargate-SG-1-S09E01-Avalon-Part-1-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=gz48c7fiw47xs88eeyo4tnky9&dl=0

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I always liked the premise of this episode: A disbanded SG-1 where all our main characters have either moved on or, in Daniel's case, about to move on. And introducing new characters in the beginning of the episode was a good way to help sell the premise and stress out the audience a little. HOWEVER.... there has always been one fatal flaw with this episode: After Mitchell leaves the gate room (Which is within the first couple minutes of the episode), they LITERALLY SHOW YOU the season 9 intro which clearly shows who's still part of the show. Obviously this undermines the whole premise of the episode. Thankfully, that wasn't an issue here thanks to Tony 😁 I also know that by now you've been told that Sam is very much still apart of the show and that Amanda was just on maternity leave during this time so there's no need to worry there. As for Jack, you always kinda knew that there was a possibility that he would eventually leave the show given that the actor's schedule kept getting reduced season after season. In fact, you kinda predicted it was a possibility right after 7x22 when he was frozen in Antarctica. Overall, you might have felt more comfortable had you seen the season 9 intro like everybody else did when they first watched this episode, however seeing you confused and worried was much more interesting a reaction so I'm glad it was removed for 9x1.


Daniel and Vala didn't have sex, no. Vala is just trolling Daniel for her own amusement. Lying, stealing and trolling is all this woman knows. Daniel obviously doesn't like her. Daniel's frustration with her no doubt stems from the fact that this is now the SECOND time he's attempted to go to Atlantis and BOTH times Vala has stopped him. (The Daedalus left to go to Atlantis while Daniel was unconscious due to Vala's bracelet linking them together).