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That ending was so powerful. Its hard to make us care about a death of someone we barely know but that made me tear up and i barely ever tear up. This show is great with emotions. That acting was so raw and real.


I thought I was going to get to check off 'Shan throws up on camera' on my bingo card for a moment there.

Patrick - Excelsior

A Custodian is another word for Janitor. Although usually a custodian also runs the buildings systems (AC and boilers). So requires more training. Possibly a First Class Boiler Operators License. Yeah, its hard not to really like Glenn. These reactions are reminding me how much I really enjoyed this show. I do hope you do more.


Man, that ending is just heart wrenching to watch. Like, the tragedy of it all, imo, overpowers the terror of the situation in a way I didn't think was feasible.