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Brandon Wiesner

I thought the whole premise of the case was ridiculous. If you don't know who the person you're communicating with really is and decide to uproot your life before you met them, that's no one's fault but yours. The fact that he lost and had to end up paying 70k is shocking but it's TV, not the real courts. It would be dismissed really quick IRL.


1. Yeeeeaaahh.. IF you don't live alone.. POUR yourself a drink ...Don't drink FROM the bottle ...Luckily I don't have that issue and I can do whatever the fuck I want ....Freedom babyyyyy!!! 2. Weddings are a ritual of sorts ..."Speak now or forever hold your peace" isn't really used anymore these days ...From what I could see it stems from medieval times.. Since we didn't have computers to quickly send out word of a marriage happening back then ...The saying "Speak now or forever hold your peace" was used during the ceremony for anyone who wanted to speak out against the wedding ....Nowadays since we're able to inform people of a wedding happening a long time in advance ...Issues that anyone has with the wedding happening can be handled before the ceremony ever takes place ....And so the saying has become archaic and most churches don't even use it anymore 3. Nice that John is actually NOT. just hooking up with L.A. Woman right away ...Remember how he hooked up with Melanie RIGHT. AFTER. he just broke up with the woman who couldn't go anywhere without her mum? .....Glad they're not doing a repeat of that 4. Sooooo... They met on a dating site??? ...And the dating site didn't include his height?? That's kinda weird cause I'm pretty sure shallow people are very picky about appearances ...Also they apparently chatted online for 6 months ...I find it kinda hard to believe that his height didn't come up... Even if he deliberately didn't mention his height I'm SURE. she would've tried asking about it... Which SHOULD have set off red flags with him dodging the issue ....But all of that is besides the point ...The fact that she's sueing the guy for this is disgusting ....She CLAIMS appearances aren't an issue but here they are ...In court ....CLEARLY it's an issue ....This bish shallow as FUCK. 5. I mean.. Look.. One SOME. level I suppose I can understand that this woman would be upset about his height ....BUT... If you say appearance is NOT. an issue ....Don't throw a bitch fit when you meet up and find out he's a little person ...That woman doesn't deserve to be compensated for anything ...Granted... He COULD. have been honest about his height even AFTER. she said appearances didn't matter ...But she DID say that shit didn't matter ...So... Ultimately SHE. fucked up 6. Yeah Larry what the fuck?? "You let her move here" ....Let her??? That sounds kinda fucked up... Are women not allowed to do things without a man's approval???? 7. Really New Guy??? You're in love with Ling?? Dude... You're in a relationship with Renée ...And yeah Froots.. He only slept with Ling ONCE. and it was YEARS. ago ....This whole storyline doesn't make any sense ...Are they trynna come up with some kind of character development story for Ling and Renée here?? Cause they're going at it all wrong 8. Richard... Dude... John gave you his permission to try and hook up with L.A. Woman??? ....First of all.. No the fuck he didn't ....Second... Gross.... Why is this show trying to convey that women are objects for men to play with?? ...A guy giving another guy permission to make a move on a woman cause HE'S not interested?? What the FUCK?! From seeing this scene with Richard and L.A. Woman it's once again clear to me that the creator of this show and thus creator of the character of Richard (and other male characters on this show) doesn't think very highly of women .....I wonder if the creator might just be a real life Billy 9. Oh ok I guess I missed the part where Richard and Ling stopped dating ...Here I was (well we both were) thinking Ling's attraction to New Guy was a bit messed up considering she was in a relationship with Richard ....But apparently they're not even dating ....Aight ...Sure 10. That fact that Shallow Bish won the case against this guy is absolutely disgusting ...Justice was NOT. served this episode