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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/m0av7ecy6exne09xyqczx/Stargate-Atlantis-S01E19-The-Siege-Part-1-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=2bt1d4dvu9rh5tshbrc5f0kyw&dl=0

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The wraith was trying to avoid doing anything that made it obvious that there was a wraith at all. He was trying to be stealthy. That's why he didn't use the stunner, didn't feed and only beat up the guy. And it almost worked, as everyone was assuming someone at the base had done it until the doctor was able to get DNA evidence. But as soon as he realized they knew he was there, he dropped that, used the stunner, and tried to feed, because there was no longer a reason not to.