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Original SG-1 goes back in time -> Original SG-1 fucks up the past -> A new dorky SG-1 is thus created. Dorky SG-1 goes back in time -> Dorky SG-1 fixes up the past -> A new SG-1, (that is almost identical to the original SG-1) is thus created. So the way the original SG-1 team created the dorky version is literally the same way the dorky version created the one you saw at the end of this two parter. They also planted the ZPM somewhere easy to find so that the new SG-1 could find it and wouldn't make the same mistake that the original SG-1 made by going back to Ancient Egypt. Sadly, the original SG-1 and dorky version died in Ancient Egypt. Hopefully they lived great lives. Now the real question is how different is this new SG-1 from the original? Is the fish in the pond the only real difference? Is every episode from the last 8 seasons still canon with this new version?


The only thing that bothers me , and I see things playing out exactly as you said , is that they then don't go back at all so the universe final timeline should be EXACTLY the same as it was at the very beginning. But as I said as close as these things usually get and I very much enjoyed it . I love alternate versions of characters.

Patrick - Excelsior

I believe Daniel's vision was fixed as well as his allergies when he ascended then was sent back. I believe they even mentioned it but I could be wrong.


I don't recall them ever saying this. If it were true, Daniel wouldn't still be wearing his glasses after season 6. Maybe I'm wrong?

Retro Tom

It gets complicated but a moebius strip is the symbol for infinity. it's supposed to represent something inverting to the opposite in the middle but twisting around so much it inverts back to the original shape at the end SG-1 went back in time and the failed rebellion lead to an alternate timeline where Ra left with the Stargate & Earth never started a Stargate program. When Jack Sam & Teal'c from that timeline went back & informed Daniel Ra would leave with he gate, they modified the rebellion so the gate would stay & Dr. Langford would find it again in 1928 Jack now having fish in his pond shows that this is now a 3rd timeline that is nearly identical or "close enough" as jack said that conveniently nothing major changed at the end except The SGC got a ZPM without anyone in this 3rd timeline having to do anything. The title Moebius was intentional as the story was meantto be the timeline gets messed up but back to like nothing ever happened by the end With 2 sets of SG-1 having lived the rest of their lives 5,000 in year the past. I read there were a few novels based on the ones left in Ancient Egypt at the end. While not official canon they had some novels where that Teal'c leaves Earth with Egeria & helps her found the Tok'Ra Sorry for the long post


Nerd Carter is absolutely adorable


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. True.. The whole O'neill all of a sudden being in a relationship bit came out of nowhere and it looked like it was just kinda rushed in to compare it to what was going on with Carter and her love life and so they could ultimately have them PERHAPS acknowledge their feelings ...Which.. Who knows ...Maybe they did... But we just never saw it ...Will we ever get to? Find out next time.. On Dragonball Z! 2. I KNOW. that they explained why Selmak couldn't be extracted from Jacob cause it was too late for that and that Jacob was just gonna die with Selmak because of that ....But I found that reasoning to be absolute bullshit ....As I said in my note ...It was written in for the sake of drama ....Jacob did NOT. have to die... His death was pointless ....Just FYI ...There's a LOT. of fans out there who agree that Jacob didn't have to die 3. You: "I figured Oma just stopped it and then went into battle" ....I don't know why you'd figure that ...We legit saw Oma go into her fight with Anubis ...She was gone ...Daniel was still left behind and standing in the diner with a confused look on his face ...It'd be kinda weird to assume Oma was still capable of doing anything to bring Daniel back to life and stop the SGC self destruct countdown given the information we were given 4. Soooooooo... They just name dropped "The Daedalus" ....I've used Daedalus as names for things in-game before as you've seen most recently on ARK the space whale we tamed I named Daedalus ...You asked where the name came from ...This is it ....Just FYI ...It's not the first time I named something Daedalus ...When we played ARK the first time around I had a Quetzal by that name aswell 5. That said ....I remember the moment I first watched this 2 parter and they mentioned the Daedalus ...I got really excited that we were getting another ship ...Then bummed we didn't get to see it in this 2-parter 6. Catherine's neice (who reminds me of Blake Lively) to Daniel: "I always used to picture some Indiana Jones type with a bullwhip and a pistol..." ....Daniel: "Yeah well I generally leave the whip at home" ....Blake Lively: "Me too" ..........Hoooooold up... (and your eyes widened so I'm glad I wasn't the only one who saw it) ... Me too??? I GET. Daniel leaving a whip at home cause of the Indiana Jones reference .....But why does this girl have a whip at home??? (also.. just adding before posting ...I totally zoomed in on your expression during the edit) 7. It's weird that Catherine's neice is giving Daniel the Ra amulet Catherine used to have ....Cause in 6x22 - "Full Circle" Ascended Daniel tells O'neill that Catherine gave him that amulet a long time ago ......I dunno... Maaaaaybe after Daniel died the amulet was given back to Catherine but still ....We're just left to assume that 8. SG-1 was careless on their mission back in time.. As we saw in this 2-parter they got caught when the cloaked Jumper was found .....Here's how they SHOULD. have done things ....Land while cloaked... Have Carter, Teal'c and Daniel go retrieve the ZPM while O'neill takes off again and stays in orbit until a certain time.. The team retrieves the ZPM ... O'neill comes back and picks them up ...Go back to the present and take the rest of the day off ....But nope ...Now we're living in an alternate timeline (although you really should just forget that's a thing as the whole "good enough" thing was just a joke referencing a halloween episode from The Simpsons) 9. It's always been a bit funny that Daniel is able to speak ancient Egyptian ....There's absolutely no record of what ancient Egyptian even REMOTELY. sounded like ...One COULD. say he learned it on Abydos perhaps ...Cause MAYBE. the Abydonians sounded quite similar ...But then it's like ...How was Daniel able to understand Abydonians?? Oh right.. Cause their language sounded like ancient Egyptian ...A dead language nobody has heard spoken out loud in thousands of years .......Then again ....Daniel was able to figure out what Chaka was saying ...Soooooo... Dude is just a fucking genius I guess 10. It's actually EXTREMELY. risky to go back in time... I was surprised Carter was on board with it claiming it'd be fine if they minimized interacting with anyone and anything ....So far they've already spoken to some of the locals ...They've visited Ra's temple (yes, Ra is the bad guy from the movie) ....They've MASSIVELY impacted the timeline right there ...Talking to those people could have already had an impact on the lives of said people ...Going to the temple could have been disasterous ...Also merely walking around could have impacted things ...Imagine walking to the temple ..A guard sees your footsteps in the sand and decides to investigate instead of going back to his post ...Events changed.. Done ...And it only takes a TINY. change to set off a massive wave of changes forever altering the future as we know it 11. It was about time those Jaffa warrior helmets got an upgraded visual effect ...Too bad the Goa'uld have basically been defeated and we don't really need the effect anymore 12. True... Hiding the ZPM for present SG-1 to find it, meaning they wouldn't have to go back in time DOES create a paradox ...When it comes to time travel I tend to go with what Captain Katherine Janeway from Star Trek Voyager said at some point "My advice in making sense of temporal paradoxes is simple, don't even try" ....Sci-fi has done the whole "time travel story" bit over and over again ...Every story is different in some way or other ...Why? ...Cause nobody really knows how time travel ACTUALLY. works.. So it's something that can be adapted to fit the narrative ...But it's great for an entertaining episode 13. On the subject of finding a videotape though.. One that had been buried for over 5000 years ....Even if it was perfectly preserved as Hammond suggested ...That thing would have been corroded by now and the tape demagnitized a long time ago meaning the footage on the tape would have been gone and there'd be NO. way to fix it 14. Yip... President Kinsey ....I think for THAT. reason ALONE. it's imperative that we needed to go back in time again and fix things ...No fucking way can we leave that old geezer in charge 15. O'neill was acting extra stupid onboard his ship the "Homer" speaking in a Minnesotan accent ...I'm not sure WHY. they went that route ...I guess he was just not giving a shit about the "bullshit" Alternate Daniel and Carter were trying to feed him ...I suppose that given O'neill was a tourist guide or something in this timeline sailing around people for money.. The Minnesotan accent was part of his tourist guide persona ...That's the only reason I can think of that for some reason he was acting stupid and using his native Minnesotan accent ....Also.. If you can't place the accent... Think Blonde Cop Lady from Supernatural.. The one always hanging out with Jody ...She had the same accent 16. Bit of a fuckup in the VFX department when it came to the shot of the gate being lowered into the SGC ...We see a shot of the back of the gate and it looks like it's the front of the gate ....As you should be well aware by now ...The back of the gate looks different from the front of the gate ....Not in this shot however ...Someone fucked up 17. O'neill to Daniel before leaving the SGC to Chulak with the Puddle Jumper: "Oh by the way.. You do have the address to bring us back right?" ...Daniel: "Yeah" .....This was a reference to the movie where Daniel was asked the same question and Daniel lied and said yeah only for us to then find out later he didn't know a damn thing about getting back home ...Also... Notice how Daniel died on Chulak and it was Carter who dialed the gate back to Earth ....How the fuck did SHE. know the address?? 18. Yeah it's the same thing McKay tried calling the Puddle Jumper in Atlantis... In fact the whole "Gateship One" back and forth that McKay had with Hammond and Daniel had with O'neill might as well have been an almost word for word throwback to the Atlantis pilot where McKay explained to Weir why he called it a gateship 19. Interesting how Alternate Carter mentioned that Alternate Daniel's eyes glowed considering he was on the ground faced away from her ...There's no way she could've seen his eyes but ok.. TV Show gotta TV Show 20. Alternate Carter just mentioned the tablet they found and OUR. Daniel says he doesn't know anything about a tablet ...Alternate Carter then say it's cause he hadn't written it yet .....See here's where time travel Shannanigans get out of hand ...How could OG Daniel not know about the tablet yet Alternate Carter DID know about it?? This in my mind is where the whole time travel story goes completely out of wack ...OG Daniel SHOULD have known or else it would not have been created and Alternate Carter and the rest of the people in the alternate timeline would never have found a tablet .....I refer back to Note 12. and should probably stick to it "My advice in making sense of temporal paradoxes is simple, don't even try" ....But in this case is just DOESN'T make sense. 21. So... Another potential fix to this whole fuckup WITHOUT. being the cause of the rebellion against Ra and just letting history unfold naturally ....Take the Alternate Jumper back in time 5 years to when OG SG-1 arrived in Ancient Egypt ...Let's say 5 minutes AFTER. they left for the temple ....Yoink the OG Jumper ...Put it somewhere else so that it DOESN'T get discovered cause of the sandstorm ...Then... When it's safe ...Put the Jumper back in the same location AFTER. the Jaffa patrol went by and BEFORE. OG SG-1 comes back from the temple with the ZPM and let them leave back to the present ....Everyone lives and we take the rest of the day off 22. Alternate Carter to Alternate O'neill: You ever wonder what your life would look like in the future? ....You: "But they're dead.. They got executed.. They wouldn't ....What?" ....Dum dum... Listen... Yes OG SG-1 got executed ...But that didn't prevent Alternate SG-1 from being born ...Technically IF you were able to travel ..Let's say.. 5 years into the future.. You wouldn't be able to see how YOU. specifically were living in the future anyways ...Not unless you were planning to go back to the present after your trip to the future so that there would ACTUALLY. be a YOU. living those 5 years ....Again... Don't try to make sense of it ..It'll just give you a headache 23. Cute moment... Alternate Carter and Alternate O'neill kiss.. Sparks flying ....Sadly they're not OUR. Carter and O'neill though 24. True.. The wrap-up was a bit weird... But how CAN. you convincingly wrap up a time travel story? ...Answer is you can't ...WE. just don't know the ins and outs of time travel so in science fiction you can just literally make shit up to fit the narrative ...As for Alternate SG-1 ...They probably lived the remainder of their lives out in the distant past since they didn't have a future of their own to go back to.. Or maybe they just vanished as the fixed the timeline ...The writers ceebed on telling us that part of the story in favour of wrapping stuff up ....But then again...There just wasn't enough time for all that 25. But hey... We got a ZPM out of the deal ...Time to put that sucker to good use! 26. The episode was called Moebius ...Named after the Möbius loop (and not the guy from Loki) ...It's when you attach the ends of a strip of paper together with a half twist.. If you'd travel the surface of that piece of paper you'd infinitely loop back to where you came from ....And with the end of the episode ending with the same scene of SG-1 fishing we've reached the point where we initially started at the end of 8x18 .....I know ....Complicated ....Best not to try and make sense of it and ...Let's just ...I dunno... Take the rest of the day off