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Andrew Polinski

The way the uncle reacted when Nick showed up with Trubel was actually very natural. Blutbad's are natural predators when it comes to Wesen, and the natural instinct of any predatory animal when cornered is go aggressive. So Nick showing up with Trubel would make him instinctively feel he is being cornered so aggression. Elsewhere in the episode, we learn more about Eve, she has all the memories but none of Juliet's personality. Silas (Monroe) showed his acting chops once again, not in just sadness but ferocity as well. We had a fomely warming party, it seems that everyone is starting to come around to Adalind. We need more Adalind, Claire Coffee has brought a warmth to the character now, I think that is why it didn't take people long to ship Nick and Adalind. No MOTW again, just a story arc setup episode, so another win there.

Patrick - Excelsior

Good start to this episode. Looks like the woman has an old trunk with some Grimm books in it. Luckily she gave to Monroe’s uncle before she got killed. Nick and Adalind are having a house warming party. I didn’t like the “fome - fortress/home” thing, sounds like foam. Weird. Awww, Wu wants to see the baby, you softy. I like how Nick is still addressing how just the prior season he hated Adalind and now he seems to be feeling … different. If this went too quickly, it would seem fake. That was a long cold open 11 mins out of 48-minute episode. Ooo, this trunk has a triple crossbow instead of the double one Nick had. I guess magic pushups is how hexenbiest exercise. Renard getting a little dirty in this Mayor election campaign. Not even involved in Nick’s stuff anymore. Yeah, the Uncle freaking out when seeing Nick and Trubel was weird, he knew he was seeing a Grimm. It was his idea. Just because Nick had another Grimm with him is no reason to go vogue on him. Damn, I feel bad for Monroe losing his Uncle, that hit him hard. On the bright side, don’t need to pay $100,000 for the books now. Shit, Monroe went primal on those guys. Didn’t need Nick at all. He leap across the room at that second guy. I think the Black Claw guys called the ambulance to steal the medical supplies to avoid the hospital so they couldn’t be traced. But they would have to kill the drivers to stay unidentified. I don’t get Misner telling Trubel she is too valuable to gamble for the books. I thought they really wanted Nick. Isn’t he valuable enough to them. With Trubel with him he is far less likely to get killed. We got a Grimm family tree. Nick can go a find other Grimms now. Wow, not 1 but 3 keys in trunk. That really picked up speed considering we haven’t seen anything of the keys in over a season. Really good episode.


There's more to the keys then you realize. When the keys were introduced, it was mentioned that there were 7 total: 3 in still in the hands of the Grimms, and 4 in the hands of the Royals. But the chest had 3 of them, and we know Nick already had 2 of the 3 that the Grimms had. This implies that that Grimm who owned the trust was a total badass who STOLE BACK two of the keys from the royal families. Or at least that's the only thing that makes sense. So there's a pretty awesome story that we know nothing about.