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Brandon Wiesner

I'm so happy that even though you didn't care for the Princess Bride, you still recognized the "inconceivable!" guy. I think ultimately, it makes sense that John and Melanie ended things. He wants to get married and have kids. She doesn't. There's nothing wrong with either of their stances on the issues. But it's major enough to say maybe we shouldn't be together. I don't get this whole Ling being jealous over Jackson thing. She has been with plenty of men and keeps everyone at arm's length. Why this guy? Especially since she's with Richard and he's dating Rene. I had a feeling that Ally hallucinating Larry was going to lead to him being back for real and of course, it happened. I think it's good though. Ally should finally have a good relationship with a good guy.

Patrick - Excelsior

Four kids is a lot. lool My mother had 6 children plus adopted 2 more. Her 5 siblings all had a minimum of 5 kids each. My grandmother had 21 siblings.


1. I only now notice this ...New Dude in Previous Leon: "Ling and I got biblical one evening after we met in a bar" Richard: "You guys had sex??" ....Me: "Nah Richard don't be gross.. They got on their knees and prayed to Jeebus" 2. Renée: "I can't believe it... I slept with him on a first date" .....Yeah I can't believe it either Renée ...The way you talk sometimes you sound like you'd usually be much quicker than that 3. That said though Renée... If you have sex on the first date ...Holy SHIT. are you easy ...And desperate ...And pathetic ....Have some self respect mah gurl 4. "End the relationship!" ......Yeah I'm thinking this therapist is definitely working for Jean Grey or something ...Therapists are supposed to LISTEN. to your problems and prescribe meds ....NOT. order you to do shit 5. 4 kids!?!? INCONCEIVABLE!! ....2 kids is already a lot yeah 6. Oh... Ok ....Took me a moment to realise ...But the wife of the guy who is on trial here looked familiar ....It's the same actress who played the woman that was VERY. SHORTLY. dating O'neill in 8x18 - Threads .....I legit only picked up on it since we JUST. watched that episode a week ago 7. New Dude to Ally after she kissed him cause she hallucinated Larry: "You got issues" ....This guy spitting FACTS.! ...How is anyone NOT. bothered by Ally's full on hallucinations?? ....Buuuttttt then again... This show seems to make a mockery out of any and all psychological issues that DESPERATELY. need fixing and makes fools of people with all kinds of ticks and stuff ....In the world of Ally McBoreanaz ...Stuff like this is just another Wednesday 8. Another red flag in this whole John/Melanie relationship ...These guys are on totally different paths ...She doesn't want to get married ...She doesn't want kids ...John is the complete opposite and is not willing to settle ...These 2 are quite good together ...But they obviously don't match when it comes to some of the things they deem important in life ....Personally I can say I'd be open to discuss things but I don't think John is like me ...Willing to be convinced to change his mind on his stance ...If the person you're dating doesn't have the same views and ideals as you on these subjects and is NOT. willing to change their mind ....Are you REALLY. gonna have a healthy and happy long lasting future together?? The answer is.. NO. You're not ....And in case you're saying ..Hold on.. You might be wrong ...Why?? If you're in a relationship where the other person is deadset on NOT. changing their mind.. Are YOU. supposed to just cave and change YOUR. mind to suit THEIR. needs?? Nah... That is just bound to turn into resentment later .....I already figured these 2 were gonna break up ...It was pretty obvious when they brought in the subject of marriage a few episodes ago and now with the kids thing as well 9. You: "I think I'm too selfish to have kids" ....That made me laugh ...No offense ....I'm sitting here thinking about you giving a baby the stink eye cause YOU. want all the birthday gifts they're getting ..."Aaaawwww!!! I wanted that lego set!" ..."A Husky puppyyyyy???? Dammit.. Why does this little shit get a puppy and I don't!?" ......Keep being you Froots! ...You'll get that Husky one day! 10. Ok John.. But... That's YOUR. vision of marriage ....Not all people get married cause they want to start a family ...I'd go as far as saying that that kind of view is based in religious backgrounds where you can't have kids UNLESS. you're married ....Getting married ...Getting kids ....Is NOT. everyone's vision of a happy life... In fact it's most decidedly NOT. a guarantee for it either ...Quit trying to project YOUR. views on to others ....Personally... Getting married.. Having kids... OR. having none of it... I don't mind to have any of it or none at all... I think the thing that's important is ...As long as it is with the RIGHT. person... Does any of it really matter?? If you're trying to have a happy relationship... "DON'T try to find happiness in HAVING. things ...Find it in who you're having it WITH." ~ Tony 2023 11. Cool.... I really thought were over the whole Elaine sweating her ass off over the new guy ...Now not only do we keep doing that shit ...Ling is now ALSO displaying the whole jealousy routine ....Richard ...Mark... You guys deserve better 12. Wait hold up... They needed a court case to dissolve a marriage??? Can't they just go to city hall or whatever and sign some papers?? Why did they need to waste money on a court case?? This was just a filler case I guess 13. Froots... Come on... You know daaaamn well they don't have the budget to make a talking CGI snowman ...My question though is ....How did Larry get the snowman out of the fridge without fucking up the look AND have it still look good by the time Ally got home?? You'd think that thing would start melting or did he know the EXACT. time Ally would get home? 14. It DEFINITELY. helps that Larry is played by RDJ yeah ...In my opinion he's probably THE. best character on the show ...Even better than John