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Andrew Polinski

The question about babies in TV shows, no they generally aren't the actress's child, there are rare occasions that they do but they are generally cast like a normal actor.


And are usually a set of twins rather than a single baby, if they are going need to be on set for more than just very rarely. (This is due to child labor laws. Two different babies counts separately for the time limits they are allowed to work, so they can get twice the time out of them.)

Patrick - Excelsior

No, that is not Claire Coffee’s child. The child was played by Owynn and Quinn Ingersoll, Emma and Claire Dezellem, and 2+ other sets of unknown twins. Ok, now Trubel is doing computer research to identify targets. When did she become the Girl In The Chair. No connection between Prohibition and Probate. - Prohibition refers to a time in the US when it was illegal to make, sell or transport alcohol. (1920 to 1933). Many illegal establishments were created to allow for the secret transportation of alcohol. Like the tunnels under Nicks new home. - Probate is when a person dies with no legal Will and the court has decide who the ownership of an object, resource or location will belong to. In this case, the building they found the body in. As far as I know, Meisner is human. Damn, Juliette/Eve getting more badass by the episode. Love the stuff with her in it. I didn’t mind the MoW so much here since it did add to the Black Claw storyline, which I assume is the big bad for this season.

Andrew Polinski

In the US even those with Wills go into probate where an executor of the Will will be appointed.


I checked, and yes, the Apple watch had just come out months before this episode aired.


A pretty inoffensive monster of the week, just some lumber guy crucifying the homeless for rain. Why did the lumber guy care so much about the weather? If only he had checked the weather channel, he would have learned rain was on the way. Lesson of the episode: always check the weather channel before you start killing people. Adalind is a low-key mvp. Nick needs to stop going to his burnt books and start going to the mother of his child whenever Wesen problems pop up. Also, did you notice how he looked at Adalind when she was causally showing off her intellect? Sparks! It was the same kind of look Monroe had when he heard Rosalee speaking Irish. That is romance! Speaking of, Renard has a girlfriend! They even watch their own commercials in bed together. That's not weird. That's totally not weird... Ok its weird. If someone magically took my senses away and then gave them back my first words would be "please don't do that again." but I too am simple. Also loving the second team of Grimm with Trubel, Meisner, and EVE. I would like to see them more relaxed though just like getting some take-out or bickering. Maybe Eve wants pizza and Trubel just wants a curry. I'd love to see more of their dynamic. Also more Trubel! Let's get on with the show!