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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6jl3ply5lwgkfvkdpknkn/Gen-V-S01E01-God-U-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=syji0htqtxlcufcznky8i6xji&dl=0

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Coagula! :) Hadn't even heard about this. So far so good. Thanks. And what I was getting from the guy/girl was that the guy could take a punch (invulnerable) and that the girl could punch hard. And I think they may not be able to change if they're being restrained in some way. But I'll need more to go on to be sure of any of that.

Brandon Wiesner

Not a bad first episode, although it's nowhere near as good as The Boys. I imagine though that it's hard to top the characters from the main show. We'll see though how it progresses.

Andrew Polinski

The show is fine, it's not as good as the Boys, but I am also getting a little bored with The Boys as well. It comes down to the one problem i am having, it goes plot, shock factor, shock factor, shock factor, plot ETC a good plot can keep the audience captivated without needing to shock the viewer. I think The Boys does it better on both fronts but at the same time it's getting a little repetitive.