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Thank you for your support Tony!

OneHub link: https://ws.onehub.com/files/psv6uila

Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2hbgahcmye6ho5xp4s9b0/The-Walking-Dead-S01E03-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=nigu486wsf0s030io38ne06mb&dl=0

Sometimes the video is unavailable to stream as it takes time to process. This means you may have to download it to watch the reaction. Sorry about that!




Yeah not every episode has a lot of zombies so thats a plus for you haha


You might not like Daryl now but this show is GREAT at character development. This show is so much more than zombies. It's about the people surviving. Also fun fact, this takes place in a world where zombies never existed. That's why they call them "Walkers" bc Zombies never existed in media.

Patrick - Excelsior

Yeah, a lot of awkward here. Rick and Shane. Lorie and Shane, T-dawg and Daryl. Carol and the other women. You do seem to be enjoying it so far. I do hope to see you react to more.