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quit being so smart dammit i was wanting your reaction to the reveal LOL

Retro Tom

The hair looks great. Hope you're feeling better For this episode, they ran into a similar situation as with Heroes that they had too long of a story so the choices were to trim it down or shoot more & pad it out to a 2 parter. The producers wanted neither as they thought this episode was great at the length as it was & more or less would diminish it do they asked Syfy & were granted an extra 30 minute of air time so Atlantis had been pushed back by 30 minutes & didn't start till 9:30 P.M.


"Why is he also having issues?" It was established with the Russian guy that Anubis's energy form is actually radioactive and he slowly poisons his host with radiation. The blisters are a sign of the radiations damage. Since he no longer has his Gou'ald body, he no longer can heal his host body of things like that.

Suzanne Hunt

I really love your new hair color! You look more sophisticated!


I like that this episode finally addressed two of the major questions that the audience have wanted to know ever since we first learnt Anubis was half ascended: How did Anubis even ascend and why have the others not stopped him? While Anubis never really used his powers, he still used ascended Ancient knowledge to climb to the top of the Goa'uld food chain which affected the lives of millions of people in the galaxy. Normally, the others wouldn't allow this. I also like that it was Oma who finally dealt with Anubis. A nice way to bring it full circle as none of this mess would be happening in the first place if it wasn't for Oma and her original mission of helping people to ascend.


Well... after 8 long seasons the Jaffa are finally free which means the Goa'uld have lost the majority of their power. At this point I wasn't sure where the show was going to go next especially since we still have two more episodes of the season left.

Tony (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-06 19:10:17 > > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. You suggested they could have tried to "glitch into" the Escape Room on Dakara.. Saying we don't know if that wouldn't work ....Aaaaactually Froots ...We DO. know that wouldn't work ...When Carter and Jacob finally got into the room.. They had to ask Ba'al for help ...Ba'al showed up and mentioned that earlier his scans couldn't find the room they were in.... Meaning they couldn't "glitch into" the room until the puzzle was solved 2. How did Anubis get off the ice-world? ...Good question ...Most likely the ice beneath him broke and he fell into a plothole and ended up back in power ..shrugs.. What I wanna know is ...Since the Goa'uld are all pretty vain "people" ...And since they're literally snakes to begin with ...How come he looked like a heavy set old geezer at the diner? I can only suspect it was to.. Out of his own sense of amusement and to pass time until he had control of the weapon.. To mess with Daniel's mind a bit and bother Oma on her 2nd job working at a diner 3. Only on Stargate... And ONLY when it concerns Daniel.. Would anyone be as nonchalant about someone having disappeared / presumed having died .....Daniel's been dead so many times that people just don't believe it any more ....Perhaps it's the shows way of poking fun at it ...But yeah in a normal situation they'd be searching ....If this were Carter we were talking about... O'neill wouldn't rest until she was found ....Kinda weird were not doing the same for Daniel ....But like I said ...I feel it's just the show poking fun at the fact Daniel has died so many times 4. Admittedly... I don't like Pete ...Like.. AT. ALL. ...But the actors face when he talks to Jacob about him having a snake in his head and that it's gotta freak him right out ....It does make me laugh .....But yeah ...Other than that ....Good riddance 5. So when Daniels parents died.. His opa took him to "this" diner to eat waffles ....Funny ...This diner that looks an aweful lot like the Wafflehouse from Dead Like Me (it's the same set) ....That was definitely an inside joke considering Dead Like Me and Stargate were filmed on the same lot ....But does that mean that George's boss (I forgot his name) was the reaper who reaped Daniels parents??? In the words of a certain someone making comments on YouTube.. It's all connected! 6. Yip... Pete called and said it was an emergency ....Most likely just to talk about some wedding prep stuff ....Seems like Pete was the kinda guy who has ZERO. respect for Carters job 7. Ofcourse you're making a mistake Carter ....You're almost about to marry a guy that doesn't respect your work.. Makes life altering decisions without your input ..Someone you really (in my mind) don't have much in common with ......Man ....Pete was just ALL. KINDSA. wrong for Carter 8. Sadly it looked for a moment that O'neill had moved on too ...But I'd have liked to have had seen more hints to it ...We only ever got ONE. vague mention of O'neill seeing this woman who'm I still don't remember the name of and can't be bothered to look up ...One name drop back in the Homer episode .....What also bothers me is how O'neill treated the whole situation ...He was basically keeping it a secret from everyone ...EVEN. his closest friends ...And when people found out it was like it was no big deal to him ...Same as when he heard Carter was dealing with wedding arrangements ...He acted like he didn't care and it just didn't come off as believable ....I can't imagine this being a real emotion a guy (nor girl) would have.. Even a military guy ...If the woman I loved was about to marry another guy ...I could PRETEND not to care but trust me ...I'd be absolutely broken on the inside ...I'd try NOT. to be around the happy couple or hear any of the wedding news ....So that's why it comes off to me as so unbelievable ...Anyways.. Ranting 9. Y'know what's funny ....Jacob earlier said that Selmak told him he thought Pete was charming .....But Jacob JUST. said that Selmak has been in a coma since the events on Dakara ...This means that Selmak never really met Pete .....Nobody fucking thinks you're charming mah dude! HA! SUCK IT! 10. Aaaaaaand y'know what's kinda FUCKED. UP. about Jacob dying? ....The Tok'ra have the ability to remove the symbiote from someone and keep the host alive ....By all intend and purpose Jacob shouldn't really be dying ...There's nothing ailing HIM. ...But because Selmak is dying.. So is Jacob???? ...Keep in mind Selmak is 2000 years old or something and I'm fairly certain we've seen Goa'uld live for far longer than that ....Jacob's death was written in for the sake of drama ....Dude didn't even TRY. to fight to stay alive and quite possibly make it to his daughters supposed wedding ...Bit of a fucked up ending for a character that really didn't deserve to die ...Not that I really care about Jacob ...He was just a side-character ...But his death felt... I dunno 11. Jacob: "Don't let rules stand in your way" ...EXACTLY! If you love someone ...Are you going to let someone or some rules tell you that you can't be with that person??? The ONLY. time I can think of where rules SHOULD. be followed when it comes to love is if we're talking one person being underage... Then you should MOST. DECIDEDLY. follow the rules and NOT. be with that person ....But aside from that ....So fucking what if you're both working in the air force ....Don't let rules stand in your way. 12. It's nice though that there's now several people who've been trying to tell both Carter AND O'neill the truth about what they see when they look at both of them ...Perhaps now they realise they CAN. be together ....Although ...Will they let rules stand in their way? 13. Soooo.... O'neill is being told to retire ....Teal'c is being told he's needed on Dakara ....What? ...Are we seriously gonna have a 2 man SG team? 14. I mean... In a way I DO. understand why the others didn't do anything about Anubis while he went and waged a war across our galaxy.. And I agree with Oma.. If you'd look at the universe ...Our little Milky Way galaxy is just a tiny speck in an infinitely larger whole ...Compared to what else is out there... We are so INCREDIBLY. insignificant ......But still... I am with Daniel ...All this power but the others act like they don't give a fuck ...Why? Why won't they step in to help? ...This is my main issue with the ascended beings on this show... They HAVE. the power to make things better ...But they don't use it ...That's why whenever Daniel goes on a rant about The Ancients ...I'm right there with him agreeing with everything he's saying 15. See..... Here's a moment where Carter is saying goodbye to Jacob ....This is a moment I've literally went through myself... Twice in my life I was there in that situation ..Standing at the death bed for both my mum and my dad ....This SHOULD hit me ....But it doesn't ...Jacob's death was so unnecessary that I just don't feel a thing 16. The whole ..Jim being Anubis thing ...It was a bit obvious ...I wish they'd have made it less so ....Like ..Have some others there talk as well ...Have "Jim" be less in conflict with Oma throughout the episode ...But yeah it's like you said in voice after ...The fact that he was the only one to also talk to Daniel was just a bit too obvious 17. So essentially Anubis is now defeated ...Technically speaking he's locked in a never ending battle with Oma ...If either of them flinches ..The other one wins ...But they are evenly matched sooooooo .....Goodbye Anubis ....Good luck Oma 18. Sooooooooo... If Oma is busy... And Daniel never had any power since as stated he wasn't yet ascended ......Did the others finally decide we were worth saving??? And if so .....Why? ...I thought we were insignificant 19. You: "So does that mean he ascended and then took human form again.. But remembers?" ...Daniel never ascended ..As Oma and Anubis/Joe tried explaining there's steps in between human form and ascension ...The diner was sort of the place "in between" ...Daniel said he wasn't the one that stopped Anubis and the self destruct so yeah he does remember ....It was the others who brought him back to life .....Not sure why he had to be naked ..Again.. Probably just as a joke ...But Bra'tac didn't seem to mind from the look on his face 20. It took 8 seasons... But they finally went fishing!! .....Little tidbit ...People have been commenting for a long time that there are no fish in the pond behind O'neill's cabin ...Technically a spoiler since it wasn't revealed until this episode ...Also O'neill is a total goof for being so eager to fish at a pond without fish ...But ...I'm one... You're one ....Nothing against goofs
2023-10-03 11:02:28 > > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. You suggested they could have tried to "glitch into" the Escape Room on Dakara.. Saying we don't know if that wouldn't work ....Aaaaactually Froots ...We DO. know that wouldn't work ...When Carter and Jacob finally got into the room.. They had to ask Ba'al for help ...Ba'al showed up and mentioned that earlier his scans couldn't find the room they were in.... Meaning they couldn't "glitch into" the room until the puzzle was solved 2. How did Anubis get off the ice-world? ...Good question ...Most likely the ice beneath him broke and he fell into a plothole and ended up back in power ..shrugs.. What I wanna know is ...Since the Goa'uld are all pretty vain "people" ...And since they're literally snakes to begin with ...How come he looked like a heavy set old geezer at the diner? I can only suspect it was to.. Out of his own sense of amusement and to pass time until he had control of the weapon.. To mess with Daniel's mind a bit and perhaps bother Oma on her 2nd job working as a waitress at a diner (the struggle of ascended beings is real ...apparently the impact on our economy is worse than we thought) 3. Only on Stargate... And ONLY when it concerns Daniel.. Would anyone be as nonchalant about someone having disappeared / presumed having died .....Daniel's been dead so many times that people just don't believe it any more ....Perhaps it's the shows way of poking fun at it ...But yeah in a normal situation they'd be searching ....If this were Carter we were talking about... O'neill wouldn't rest until she was found ....Kinda weird were not doing the same for Daniel ....But like I said ...I feel it's just the show poking fun at the fact Daniel has died so many times 4. Admittedly... I don't like Pete ...Like.. AT. ALL. ...But the GHUGE smile on the actors face when he talks to Jacob about him having a snake in his head and that it's gotta freak him right out ....It does make me laugh .....But yeah ...Other than that ....Good riddance 5. So when Daniels parents died.. His opa took him to "this" diner to eat waffles ....Funny ...This diner that looks an aweful lot like the Wafflehouse from Dead Like Me (it's the same set) ....That was definitely an inside joke considering Dead Like Me and Stargate were filmed on the same lot ....But does that mean that George's boss (I forgot his name... and "George" is the girl from DLM) was the reaper who reaped Daniels parents??? In the words of a certain someone making comments on YouTube.. It's all connected! 6. Yip... Pete called and said it was an emergency ....Most likely just to talk about some wedding prep stuff ....Seems like Pete was the kinda guy who has ZERO. respect for Carters job 7. Ofcourse you're making a mistake Carter ....You're almost about to marry a guy that doesn't respect your work.. Makes life altering decisions without your input ..Someone you really (in my mind) don't have much in common with ......Man ....Pete was just ALL. KINDSA. wrong for Carter 8. Sadly it looked for a moment that O'neill had moved on too ...But I'd have liked to have had seen more hints to it ...We only ever got ONE. vague mention of O'neill seeing this woman who'm I still don't remember the name of and can't be bothered to look up ...One name drop back in the Homer episode .....What also bothers me is how O'neill treated the whole situation ...He was basically keeping it a secret from everyone ...EVEN. his closest friends ...And when he heard Carter was dealing with wedding arrangements ...He acted like he didn't care and it just didn't come off as believable ....I can't imagine this being a real emotion a guy (nor girl) would have.. Even a military guy like O'neill ...If the woman I loved was about to marry another guy ...I could PRETEND not to care but trust me ...I'd be absolutely fucking broken on the inside ...I'd try NOT. to be around the happy couple or hear any of the wedding news ....So that's why it comes off to me as so unbelievable ...Anyways.. Ranting 9. Y'know what's funny ....Jacob earlier said that Selmak told him he thought Pete was charming .....But Jacob JUST. said that Selmak has been in a coma since the events on Dakara ...This means that Selmak never really met Pete .....Nobody fucking thinks you're charming mah dude! HA! SUCK IT! 10. Aaaaaaand y'know what's kinda FUCKED. UP. about Jacob dying? ....The Tok'ra have the ability to remove the symbiote from someone and keep the host alive ....By all intend and purpose Jacob shouldn't really be dying ...There's nothing ailing HIM. ...But because Selmak is dying.. So is Jacob???? ...Keep in mind Selmak is 2000 years old or something and there's most decidedly been Goa'uld who have lived for FAR. longer than that ....Jacob's death was written in for the sake of drama ....Dude didn't even TRY. to fight to stay alive and quite possibly make it to his daughters supposed wedding ...Bit of a fucked up ending for a character that really didn't deserve to die ...Not that I really cared about Jacob ...He was just a side-character ...But his death felt... I dunno ..Pointless 11. Jacob: "Don't let rules stand in your way" ...EXACTLY! If you love someone ...Are you going to let someone or some rules tell you that you can't be with that person??? The ONLY. time I can think of where rules SHOULD. be followed when it comes to love is if we're talking one person being underage... Then you should MOST. DECIDEDLY. follow the rules and NOT. be with that person ....But aside from that ....So fucking what if you're both working in the air force ....Don't let rules stand in your way. 12. It's nice though that there's now several people who've been trying to tell both Carter AND O'neill the truth about what they see when they look at both of them... I mean if a bunch of people see it... Don't you think maybe they might have a point? ...Perhaps now they realise they CAN. be together ....Although ...Will they let rules stand in their way? Find out next time.. On Dragonball Z! 13. Soooo.... O'neill is being told to retire ....Teal'c is being told he's needed on Dakara ....What? ...Are we seriously gonna have a 2 man SG team? 14. I mean... In a way I DO. understand why "The Others" didn't do anything about Anubis while he went and waged a war across our galaxy.. And I agree with Oma.. If you'd look at the universe ...Our little Milky Way galaxy is just a tiny speck in an infinitely larger whole ...Compared to what else is out there... We are so INCREDIBLY. insignificant ......But still... I am with Daniel ...All this power but the others act like they don't give a fuck ...Why? Why won't they step in to help? ...This is my main issue with the ascended beings on this show... They HAVE. the power to make things better ...But they don't use it ...That's why whenever Daniel goes on a rant about The Ancients ...I'm right there with him agreeing with everything he's saying 15. See..... Here's a moment where Carter is saying goodbye to Jacob ....This is a moment I've literally went through myself... Twice in my life I was there in that situation ..Standing at the side of the bed for both my mum and my dad when they died from an uncureable ailment ....This SHOULD hit me ....But it doesn't ...Jacob's death was so unnecessary that I just don't feel a thing 16. Yeeeeaah... The whole ..Jim being Anubis thing ...It was a bit obvious ...I wish they'd have made it less so ....Like ..Have some of the others there talk as well ...Have "Jim" be less in conflict with Oma throughout the episode ...But yeah it's like you said in voice after ...The fact that he was the only one to also talk to Daniel was just a bit too obvious 17. So essentially Anubis is now defeated ...Technically speaking he's locked in a never ending battle with Oma ...If either of them flinches ..The other one wins ...But they are evenly matched sooooooo .....Goodbye Anubis ....Good luck Oma 18. Sooooooooo... If Oma is eternally busy... And Daniel never had any power since as he literally said it himself that it wasn't him who stopped the self destruct countdown at the SGC ......Did the others finally decide we were worth saving??? And if so .....Why? ...I thought we were lower beings and they didn't care about us ...Why now? What made them break their own rule to never interfere? 19. You: "So does that mean he ascended and then took human form again.. But remembers?" ...Daniel never ascended ..As Oma and Anubis/Joe tried explaining there's steps in between human form and ascension ...The diner was sort of the place "in between" ...Limbo I guess ...Daniel said he wasn't the one that stopped Anubis and the self destruct so yeah he does remember ....It was the others who brought him back to life .....Not sure why he had to be naked ..Again.. Probably just as a joke ...But Bra'tac didn't seem to mind judging from the look on his face as Daniel walked in holding only a flag to cover himself up 20. It took 8 seasons... But they finally went fishing!! .....Little tidbit ...People have been commenting for a LONG. time that there are no fish in the pond behind O'neill's cabin ...Technically a spoiler since it wasn't revealed until this episode ...Also O'neill is a total goof for being so eager to fish at a pond without fish ...But ...I'm one... You're one ....Nothing against goofs

> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. You suggested they could have tried to "glitch into" the Escape Room on Dakara.. Saying we don't know if that wouldn't work ....Aaaaactually Froots ...We DO. know that wouldn't work ...When Carter and Jacob finally got into the room.. They had to ask Ba'al for help ...Ba'al showed up and mentioned that earlier his scans couldn't find the room they were in.... Meaning they couldn't "glitch into" the room until the puzzle was solved 2. How did Anubis get off the ice-world? ...Good question ...Most likely the ice beneath him broke and he fell into a plothole and ended up back in power ..shrugs.. What I wanna know is ...Since the Goa'uld are all pretty vain "people" ...And since they're literally snakes to begin with ...How come he looked like a heavy set old geezer at the diner? I can only suspect it was to.. Out of his own sense of amusement and to pass time until he had control of the weapon.. To mess with Daniel's mind a bit and perhaps bother Oma on her 2nd job working as a waitress at a diner (the struggle of ascended beings is real ...apparently the impact on our economy is worse than we thought) 3. Only on Stargate... And ONLY when it concerns Daniel.. Would anyone be as nonchalant about someone having disappeared / presumed having died .....Daniel's been dead so many times that people just don't believe it any more ....Perhaps it's the shows way of poking fun at it ...But yeah in a normal situation they'd be searching ....If this were Carter we were talking about... O'neill wouldn't rest until she was found ....Kinda weird were not doing the same for Daniel ....But like I said ...I feel it's just the show poking fun at the fact Daniel has died so many times 4. Admittedly... I don't like Pete ...Like.. AT. ALL. ...But the GHUGE smile on the actors face when he talks to Jacob about him having a snake in his head and that it's gotta freak him right out ....It does make me laugh .....But yeah ...Other than that ....Good riddance 5. So when Daniels parents died.. His opa took him to "this" diner to eat waffles ....Funny ...This diner that looks an aweful lot like the Wafflehouse from Dead Like Me (it's the same set) ....That was definitely an inside joke considering Dead Like Me and Stargate were filmed on the same lot ....But does that mean that George's boss (I forgot his name... and "George" is the girl from DLM) was the reaper who reaped Daniels parents??? In the words of a certain someone making comments on YouTube.. It's all connected! 6. Yip... Pete called and said it was an emergency ....Most likely just to talk about some wedding prep stuff ....Seems like Pete was the kinda guy who has ZERO. respect for Carters job 7. Ofcourse you're making a mistake Carter ....You're almost about to marry a guy that doesn't respect your work.. Makes life altering decisions without your input ..Someone you really (in my mind) don't have much in common with ......Man ....Pete was just ALL. KINDSA. wrong for Carter 8. Sadly it looked for a moment that O'neill had moved on too ...But I'd have liked to have had seen more hints to it ...We only ever got ONE. vague mention of O'neill seeing this woman who'm I still don't remember the name of and can't be bothered to look up ...One name drop back in the Homer episode .....What also bothers me is how O'neill treated the whole situation ...He was basically keeping it a secret from everyone ...EVEN. his closest friends ...And when he heard Carter was dealing with wedding arrangements ...He acted like he didn't care and it just didn't come off as believable ....I can't imagine this being a real emotion a guy (nor girl) would have.. Even a military guy like O'neill ...If the woman I loved was about to marry another guy ...I could PRETEND not to care but trust me ...I'd be absolutely fucking broken on the inside ...I'd try NOT. to be around the happy couple or hear any of the wedding news ....So that's why it comes off to me as so unbelievable ...Anyways.. Ranting 9. Y'know what's funny ....Jacob earlier said that Selmak told him he thought Pete was charming .....But Jacob JUST. said that Selmak has been in a coma since the events on Dakara ...This means that Selmak never really met Pete .....Nobody fucking thinks you're charming mah dude! HA! SUCK IT! 10. Aaaaaaand y'know what's kinda FUCKED. UP. about Jacob dying? ....The Tok'ra have the ability to remove the symbiote from someone and keep the host alive ....By all intend and purpose Jacob shouldn't really be dying ...There's nothing ailing HIM. ...But because Selmak is dying.. So is Jacob???? ...Keep in mind Selmak is 2000 years old or something and there's most decidedly been Goa'uld who have lived for FAR. longer than that ....Jacob's death was written in for the sake of drama ....Dude didn't even TRY. to fight to stay alive and quite possibly make it to his daughters supposed wedding ...Bit of a fucked up ending for a character that really didn't deserve to die ...Not that I really cared about Jacob ...He was just a side-character ...But his death felt... I dunno ..Pointless 11. Jacob: "Don't let rules stand in your way" ...EXACTLY! If you love someone ...Are you going to let someone or some rules tell you that you can't be with that person??? The ONLY. time I can think of where rules SHOULD. be followed when it comes to love is if we're talking one person being underage... Then you should MOST. DECIDEDLY. follow the rules and NOT. be with that person ....But aside from that ....So fucking what if you're both working in the air force ....Don't let rules stand in your way. 12. It's nice though that there's now several people who've been trying to tell both Carter AND O'neill the truth about what they see when they look at both of them... I mean if a bunch of people see it... Don't you think maybe they might have a point? ...Perhaps now they realise they CAN. be together ....Although ...Will they let rules stand in their way? Find out next time.. On Dragonball Z! 13. Soooo.... O'neill is being told to retire ....Teal'c is being told he's needed on Dakara ....What? ...Are we seriously gonna have a 2 man SG team? 14. I mean... In a way I DO. understand why "The Others" didn't do anything about Anubis while he went and waged a war across our galaxy.. And I agree with Oma.. If you'd look at the universe ...Our little Milky Way galaxy is just a tiny speck in an infinitely larger whole ...Compared to what else is out there... We are so INCREDIBLY. insignificant ......But still... I am with Daniel ...All this power but the others act like they don't give a fuck ...Why? Why won't they step in to help? ...This is my main issue with the ascended beings on this show... They HAVE. the power to make things better ...But they don't use it ...That's why whenever Daniel goes on a rant about The Ancients ...I'm right there with him agreeing with everything he's saying 15. See..... Here's a moment where Carter is saying goodbye to Jacob ....This is a moment I've literally went through myself... Twice in my life I was there in that situation ..Standing at the side of the bed for both my mum and my dad when they died from an uncureable ailment ....This SHOULD hit me ....But it doesn't ...Jacob's death was so unnecessary that I just don't feel a thing 16. Yeeeeaah... The whole ..Jim being Anubis thing ...It was a bit obvious ...I wish they'd have made it less so ....Like ..Have some of the others there talk as well ...Have "Jim" be less in conflict with Oma throughout the episode ...But yeah it's like you said in voice after ...The fact that he was the only one to also talk to Daniel was just a bit too obvious 17. So essentially Anubis is now defeated ...Technically speaking he's locked in a never ending battle with Oma ...If either of them flinches ..The other one wins ...But they are evenly matched sooooooo .....Goodbye Anubis ....Good luck Oma 18. Sooooooooo... If Oma is eternally busy... And Daniel never had any power since as he literally said it himself that it wasn't him who stopped the self destruct countdown at the SGC ......Did the others finally decide we were worth saving??? And if so .....Why? ...I thought we were lower beings and they didn't care about us ...Why now? What made them break their own rule to never interfere? 19. You: "So does that mean he ascended and then took human form again.. But remembers?" ...Daniel never ascended ..As Oma and Anubis/Joe tried explaining there's steps in between human form and ascension ...The diner was sort of the place "in between" ...Limbo I guess ...Daniel said he wasn't the one that stopped Anubis and the self destruct so yeah he does remember ....It was the others who brought him back to life .....Not sure why he had to be naked ..Again.. Probably just as a joke ...But Bra'tac didn't seem to mind judging from the look on his face as Daniel walked in holding only a flag to cover himself up 20. It took 8 seasons... But they finally went fishing!! .....Little tidbit ...People have been commenting for a LONG. time that there are no fish in the pond behind O'neill's cabin ...Technically a spoiler since it wasn't revealed until this episode ...Also O'neill is a total goof for being so eager to fish at a pond without fish ...But ...I'm one... You're one ....Nothing against goofs