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Andrew Polinski

His plan wasn't that bad actually, it was just poorly executed. Pit multiple people against each other then finishing off the last when they're weak and fatigued. He just didn't know all the variables. The older brother was obviously the alpha of the pair and was also very greedy to boot, wanted all the profits from merch sales for himself. I would say Trubel has surpassed Nick as a hand to hand fighter now. A true badass and we all love it.

Patrick - Excelsior

The name of this episode, A Reptile Dysfunction … as in Erectile Dysfunction. smh. Horrible pun. Oh yeah, I forgot Misner was connected to Renard as well. Damn, he gets around. Connected to Nick’s Mom, (she replaced him when smuggling Adalind out of Europe.) Connected to Adalind. Worked with Renard and the Resistance, helped Renard escape Europe. Worked with Chavez. Now working with Trubel. Nick was last one to work with him. And, were back to Monster of the Week. About time, someone had a gun. Not that it helped. OK, I didn’t need to see the Creature from the Black lagoon in a speedo. The store owners paid that guy to scare people so that tourist would come to see and they could profit off it. I agree, all the people in this MoW episode are idiots. I do believe all the people that shot the dude in the lake would be arrested for murder. Just because they thought he was a monster does not justify shooting someone in the dark when you are in no danger. I liked the Non MoW stuff here.


Ahh, monster of the week, just when we thought it was safe to go back to Grimm....It returns. Yeah, no rocket scientists were harmed in the making of this monster of the week . Also, what did they arrest the brother for? I thought they couldn't prove anything. Anyway, on to the better part of the episode, Trubel was kickass as usual. I love how casually she snatched that revolver. Also, she cleaned up that bad guy quick. I also like that she's making the rounds recruiting allies like Monroe and Rosalee. We do not get enough Trubel with Monroe and Rosalee. I could watch an entire episode of just the three of them. I am also so happy to hear you too are on the Nick and Adalind ship. May she sail forevermore. I don't care I am going down with this ship and I wish there had been more of it this episode. Also Renard was there. He practiced a speech. Can you hear me yawning? Anyway we need more Trubel fighting bad guys, more Nick and Adalind drama, fewer Renard speeches, less wigs and less wet jean shorts! Come on Episdode Nine!