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Patrick - Excelsior

Oh, that was a bunny. I thought it was a fluffy guinea pig. Cliff is always very protective of Jane. She has always been a surrogate daughter to him. It seems very out of character for him to not care at all she dying. And now he talking to his oven mitt covered hand? Looks like Rita and Rouge have made up and are now really working together. Not sure why Rita went blob and squished that guy Wally. Vic and his friend design a robot to fight scissors-dudes but he just turns back to paper. Makes sense, this is Wally’s World, so I don’t think his creations will work against him. Cliff finally decides to help Jane, about time, but they don’t do any better. And Cliff left the freezer door open, letting Zombie-Butt out. Never show mercy to a zombie. It will always bite you in the ass. Ot in this case the ass will bite you. Larry and Keeg just give up. Once again, Doom Patrol is in trouble and we are left on a cliff hanger.