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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7tlrfzyhdfiqwlldhu1gb/Person-Of-Interest-S03E02-Nothing-To-Hide-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=8wg4yl50l0zpk9g83qvfrwzoc&dl=0

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Its crazy how often this show tackles topics that back then were less often discussed, that now in 2023, are almost commonplace, like companies datamining for profit & accounts being hacked etc. I also find it weird that two episodes in a row, there are things I dont remember.... like last ep with Carters demotion, and this ep with her getting a rookie partner. Apparently I've just blocked out this entire stretch of her being on the show.... for now. I had hoped we would have seen the victim guy limping, or with a wound on his arm from Bear.... but sadly no.


This thing of comments, the reading and the writing, us both will challenge. ( he said as a haiku :-) ) This was a good case of the week. The case was a good vehicle to show the different sides of the data privacy debate. Even more relevant today than it was back then! Am I the only one who has a hard time buying all the pining that Carter is doing for Beecher? I think we are supposed to believe that she is dead set on solving the murder of her love interest. But up until now, the show hadn't convinced me that Carter ever developed any serious romantic feelings for Beecher (when he was alive), or for anyone else for that matter. I wish they had given her better and clearer motivation for continuing to look into HR. P.S.: All joking aside... Probably half of the things that I write in the comments here are just for me, to flesh out my thoughts. Still, I also enjoy knowing that someone is following along, so I'm only happy to try to make them easier to read.