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The purpose of bringing back jeff and lester was to make it feel like it used to so nobody would ever expect it to be a cia base. Thats why its still so unprofessional and sloppy. I really liked this episode. I wonder what happens next episode with that massive cliffhanger haha

Suzanne Hunt

I simply love Nichole Ricci's character in this show! It is great having both her and the big guy from the plane back!


1. Yeah nah... Rolling up a newspaper like that (or any paper for that matter) doesn't make it sharp enough that you could stab someone with it 2. YEAH! The FUCK. happened to all the spies working at the Buy More?!?! Some civilians start a riot and it looks like they're going up against Buy Morons instead of highly trained CIA operatives ...This didn't make ANY. sense 3. SHARING. a tootbrush??? .....But... Why?? ...That's a bit much 4. That ring made one HELL. of a trip through those vents... Almost an unbelievably long trip ...A little piece of metal being yeeted so far through vents by what seems to be a tiny little gust of wind ....I'm calling bullshit on this being possible 5. Why was that a cliffhanger??? Both Sarah AND Chuck realised that the ring just appeared out of nowhere ...I feel like this wasn't needed ...I guess they just didn't know how to end the episode