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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/otpn2mp2ub0onb6eo2l56/Doom-Patrol-S04E05-Youth-Patrol-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=qcq2jwf2u1lhyhzfb3vgpv1hj&dl=0

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Patrick - Excelsior

Yeah, not understanding this show is I think what the writers are going for. So Jane gets interrupted during her 'personal time'. I think it was probably Jane that interrupted herself. Likely she feels guilty engaging in sexual attics with Kay's body. Later when when Kay talks to Jane at the pool, she tells her its OK, it your body too. I wonder why Cliff didn't revert back to a teen boy at the pool. Is it because the curse didn't affect him due to the fact he does not breathe, so didn't inhale the smoke? Looks like Rita and Rouge are at least somewhat mending fences. What ever happened to Baby Jane? (sorry old person reference). Seriously though, WTH is the Master Guinea Pig doing to Jane? I don't think I like it. Crowley, did you sell out Jane? Grrr.

Patrick - Excelsior

I believe the reason they used the song Teenagers, by My Chemical Romance, at the pool is the lead singer Gerald Way also wrote for the Doom Patrol comic series.