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Brandon Wiesner

I think Ally was very mature for encouraging Larry to be with his son in Detroit. She has definitely grown as a character. If this were season 1 or 2 Ally, she would have been a lot more selfish and only thinking about her relationship with him. Fish was definitely acting OOC in this one too. It seems to be a theme on the show this season.


1. I'm all for Cindy to get married.. No problem with that... Just one tiny question... Has she told her significant other she used to be a man or is she "waiting for the right time"?? ...added later... Ok I'm pretty sure the husband was next to her during the case.. Aight.. I guess the right time did occur 2. Yeeeeaahh... Given they showed a Previous Leon where Larry talked about his son... It was pretty obvious that this kid in Ally's office was gonna be said son 3. Ok geez... Imagine if your parents broke up and you sued them cause they don't love eachother any more .....LIFE LESSON 1 kid... People fall out of love... Get over it ....Also... Doesn't this mean there's the potential he could have 2 chrimmus celebrations each year?? Twice the amount of presents?? This little shit is fucking things up for himself... TWICE. the gifts!! ....TWICE! 4. Also.... Apparently he got on a plane by himself and flew all the way over to Boston ....If this case would go to court.. I can only imagine the outcome would be that Jean Grey loses custody when they'd hear about this detail 5. I'm gonna assume Mark just told Cindy he doubts anyone could ever love her cause he's still butthurt about the whole breakup ......Cause if I DON'T assume this... And it's really JUST the character (or writers for that matter) saying transgender people don't deserve love ...Then HOOOOLLLLY FUCKIN. SHIT that is NOT. ok .....It's kinda sad that this show doesn't get a whole lotta comments on Patreon and that it's probably not due for YouTube until 2025 cause it'll be interesting to see what people think of the whole Cindy storyline 6. You were wondering if the actor (James Eckhouse) playing the attorney representing the opposite side of the case John and Nelle are working on was also on Suits... The answer is no... Although I can understand the confusion.. The actor does kinda look like Louis (Rick Hoffman) from Suits 7. Eh ... Wh... Eh... GHWAT?!?!? I'm sorry did we just hire new writers MID-episode?!!? We all of a sudden have both Richard AND Mark do a COMPLETE 180??? They're all of a sudden in support of Cindy??? ....I mean... GOOD. ....But also... Holy shit did that come out of nowhere 8. I feel like the whole "Until you have a child, you have no idea the capacity you have to love somebody" is total bullshit ....You don't need a child for that ...Bish... I could get a dog and feel that same feeling ....And I'd rather get a dog than a kid ...I think to any dog person.. Who doesn't have much of any interest in having kids ...A dog thrumps a kid any day of the week .....That whole saying "Until you have a kid..." I feel it's something that people who are parents often say ...It's like saying "Oooh you're missing out" ....Bish.. Nah ....I'm perfectly happy NOT. having to deal with diapers and whiney little brats and the bulk of my income go to their education and all other things to keep them alive .......I mean.. Dogs are expensive too ofcourse... But not NEARLY. as much as kids ...Anyway I'm on a rant.. Moving on 9. Yup... I'm convinced we switched writers or something... No fucking way Richard would kiss Cindy like that ...Aside from the fact that it was weird that the minister (Richard) kisses the bride ....It's also COMPLETELY. ENTIRELY. MOST DECIDEDLY. WAAAAAAAY. out of character for Richard to not have a complete breakdown afterwards 10. That end song would've been MUCH. better if RDJ sang it all the way through ....But it made me laugh though thinking the following ...Imagine RDJ singing ....Vonda's spidey senses tingle... She rushes to the stage and tackles the SHIT. outta RDJ and quickly composes herself before singing the rest of the song .....Song is done... Vonda goes over to RDJ... Gets up close and whispers in his ear: "Nobody fucking takes my spotlight, Bitch!"