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Andrew Polinski

I have been looking forward to this episope. I have been holding onto this little piece of trivia from the time you started watching Grimm, basically 5 years next month. No-one from the main cast or crew except for David (Nick), the head writer and the showrunner knew that Elizabeth (Juliet) was coming back. The first time the main cast and crew knew of her return was quite literally during the filming of that reveal. Everyone was seeing Elizabeth arriving on the lot just before they would wrap for the day but they all thought she was just coming to see David as they had only just recently gotten Engaged at the time. But what they were doing was filming scenes together very late at night with a skeleton crew that they hired just to keep it secret. The reason why they left her off the credits until the end was as a means to not spoil it for the audience as well.

Patrick - Excelsior

You are absolutely right. All those store owners would have guns. So the Vesen are declaring war on…not sure. A group called Hadrian’s Wall (HW) is trying to stop them. Miser and Trubel are with them now. Trubel has been with them for at least 6 months since that’s how long she had the motorcycle. BTW … kewl bike. Very James Bond. The Nick and Trubel reunion was very sweet, Trubel getting all teary eyed. Nice moment there between Adalind and Trubel. Trubel admits she planned on killing Juliette, but Adalind promised to not tell Nick. Now we got more secrets, damn. OK, Xavier is a Blob Fish. And he’s lying a lot. This is very sus. Had to grin at Rosalee repeated beating Xavier when she found out about the trap, even after he told everything, she just head slams him into the dash out of worry for Monroe. Holy crap, someone just wiped out a horde of deadly Vesen in minutes. And its Juliette doing an impression of China White. WTH! Well at least Trubel doesn’t have to worry about not telling Nick she planned on killing Juliette now. I really liked this episode. Good amount of action, lots of tension, some questioned answered but a great big new one raised at end.


Good episode! Loved that reveal at the end!


I don't agree that all the store owners would have guns. Only some of them would. I even know of some store owners who have been robbed multiple times and do not own guns. Statistically 43% of households in the state of Washington, where the show takes place own guns, which is a lot, but still a minority. In addition, since all the store owners in question were Wesen, they might be more likely to rely on their own natural abilities over firearms, something we've seen a lot on the show. Besides only 2 store owners were in their stores at the time, so those might just have been the 2 who had no guns.


OK! Loved this episode! Loved the start with Trubel! She is so expressive and I just get lost in her performance. She is so lost when she wakes up in this new world of Nick's new domestic life but is just so happy to see him she seems to collapse in his arms. Trubel being alone her whole life until Nick sees him as kind of her only family and her safe place. It's so sweet and I love it. Also loved the scene with Trubel and Adalind. It was so school lunch table with Trubel asking Adalind if she liked Nick or if she really liked Nick. And then watching Adalind get all flustered and try to play it off was so cute. Adalind definitely seems to love her new domestic life with Nick. The way she says "We were so worried about you." to Trubel was just so telling how Adalind sees them as a couple already. I can't wait to see more. Also no monster of the week! Yay! I mean kind of. Pretty good story overall. The one thing I would leave out is the whole election thing. Hopefully this isn't another jack the ripper that takes the entire season. Also that girl with the white hair looked like Juliet. Did anybody else notice this? Ok next episode please!