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Im sorry about youtube. I dont understand why its so difficult and inconsistent. Some channels can get away with alot and not get strikes but then some get strikes every time they post a reaction. It just doesnt make sense and they really need to rework the entire system. They could have easily made jeff and lester better characters. They did it to Morgan and the show is much better for it. I remember how much you hated him, you never thought you could like him. Im glad you changed your mind. I do like him being store manager instead of mike though. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Chuck and Sarahs relationship. They have been writing them perfectly. There has been many instances since they got together that most shows would have broken them up over but Chuck and Sarahs relationship is just getting stronger. They have these moments where you might think "Oh no they are gonna break up" because of how easily couples broke up in tv shows but here it feels more real. It feels true and strong. A few disagreements or fights arent going to break them up. They are done with the will-they wont-they. Now they are just together which is such a relief. One of my favorite couples in all of tv. I love how every character feels like they are growing up. Chuck is a real spy now and willing to talk about marriage and babies, Sarah is finding her true self with Chuck and learning to be a real person again, Ellie and Devon are having a baby and are in a healthy relationship, Morgan is now the manager of the buy more, Casey is learning to be more human and trying to get to know his daughter. They are all just advancing in such wonderful ways. Im proud of everyone. Great reaction and i cant wait for more episodes to come and hopefully season 5 as well!

Patrick - Excelsior

OK, I have an issue with this episode. Sarah punched out the Incredible Hulk with one punch but had trouble with the skinny blonde. Hmmmm I'm sure you already know this Shan but for those that didn't. Yes, the body guard that said he loved the evil model was Lou Ferrigno the OG Incredible Hulk.