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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/29zb3d8nmecny5du8vvhc/Person-Of-Interest-S03E01-Liberty-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=aog55th6335nu9ht2t9skss19&dl=0

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I think this was a good starting point from where they left off. Shaw is fully on the team. Carter is demoted and helping Elias hide. Fusco's still not getting enough respect, unfortunately. Did you spot Amy Ackers name bumped to main cast and not guest star?


To answer a question you had at the start of this stream which apparently you asked last season & I missed, about other reactors. I feel others have been mostly just doing it as Patreon exclusives. I've been watching them on Bizzybrons patreon as well, even though he started before you.... you are now like 2/3rds of a season ahead of him. I also remember someone else I used to follow on here that did them like 2 yrs ago, but forgot who.... and they never got them over to youtube either. I think its more of a show that if someone doesnt request it on a platform like Patreon first, creators wont bother, since its so many years past its peak. But its 100% a show that carries such a loyal fanbase, I just know theres people out there that will check them out regardless how long after. Glad to see you on to season 3 now. Alright, I'll shut up now.... on to the show.


Now that I've seen the episode again. I have to laugh how Elias found a way to get something out of his help to Carter. Always thinking several steps ahead. Weird that I dont remember Carter being demoted. I somehow forgot about that. Cant wait for more.

Suzanne Hunt

Carter was framed by HR for a bad shooting at the end of season 2! They didn't actually say that she was going to be demoted , but that was the result!

Suzanne Hunt

Shan, I really like the shirt you are wearing in your reactions! I really like this premiere! Root being in an mental hospital 🏥 is so interesting! I love how she still finds ways to keep in contact with the Machine. How the Machine tells Root all this private stuff about her psychiatrist. Also how Root and the Machine are having a disagreement about whether to kill her psychiatrist or not! Great reaction, Shan!


So, what is POI about? Don't worry Shan, I'm not torturing only you with this question, but also anyone who's following along. ;-) I find that one is more receptive to hearing an answer if one takes just a moment to think about the question on their own, which makes for better discussion. In Greek mythology, Cassandra was a young woman blessed with the gift of prophecy but cursed to have her completely true prophecies ignored by everyone around her. It's not often that a TV show can pull a Cassandra on me, but when it does I find it delightful and a hallmark of good storytelling. To explain, I'll take a short walk down memory lane. One example memorable for me was Dollhouse (skip the rest of the paragraph to avoid some spoilers). Very early on in that show (1x06) a reporter was collecting opinions of people on the street about the "dollhouse" urban legend, where one of the interviewees threw out there a crazy nightmare scenario of what the personality imprinting technology could lead to. For us the viewers, it was easy to dismiss that vision as nonsense and even forget about it. What would a random guy on the street know about the highly secretive and elitist "dollhouse"? But that nightmare scenario is exactly what Dollhouse reaches by the end of the show, and in very dramatic fashion! When rewatching, that early episode just hits you in the face. :-) In POI, the role Cassandra belongs to Root all the way back in 2x01! In a zealous and megalomaniacal monologue that she delivers to Finch, Root reveals that her goal is to commune with The Machine, which she considers a new born god. Why? Because along the way to creating a tool to safeguard America from terrorist threats (fueled by the shock and horror of witnessing 9/11), he solved a much greater problem: he created a super AGI (a superhuman Artificial General Intelligence). In 2x01, it is easy to dismiss these words because they are coming from the lips of a villain and seemingly a raving lunatic. But over the course of Season 2, we get slow piecemeal revelations about the nature of The Machine (unfortunately sometimes embedded in somewhat unremarkable case-of-the-week stories). We learn that it is not just a fancy pattern matching algorithm, rather it possesses intelligence, at least enough to discern people's intentions from vast amounts of loosely correlated data, as well as make plans and contingencies to stop those who intend to commit terrorist acts or violent crimes. We learn that The Machine is not just a copy of what Finch knows and how he thinks; it has learned by observing all human behavior and at times makes logical connections or shows behavior that surprise Finch himself. We learn that it has intentions that go beyond its original programming. And we learn that it in some way cares for the people that it has been set to observe. These details are nicely woven into the story line of how Finch meets Grace, and how Ingram gains access to the irrelevant numbers. We are also shown many times that its access to vast amounts of data and computing resources does give it superhuman intelligence. And in the climax scene of the Season 2 finale, we learn that it has become highly interested in self-preservation. (BTW, what a great use of negative space when we finally see a giant empty warehouse instead of The Machine itself.) And voilà, Root's raving lunacy has become reality! The world of POI is now inhabited by a (by all indications) benevolent autonomous super AGI. :-) Here's what Jonathan Nolan said to the question of what his show was really about, when he started trusting the production studio enough to stop camouflaging it as just a vigilante case-of-the-week show: "It's about artificial intelligence and the way in which we're going to interact with it and the way in which it will slip into the world unnoticed... It won't land with a giant thud... It'll creep in in ways that we didn't anticipate." I think that's a great way to describe the journey that we've gone on with the show's first two seasons. Hats off to the show runners for pulling that off! Shan, I don't know if you've noticed, but even though you started reacting to this show already a couple of years ago, by some cosmic coincidence, you have arrived at this point not very long after ChatGPT and other impressively good AI models (like DALL-E , Midjourney, ...) have burst onto the world scene. Now, these AI models don't constitute an AGI and they did make quite a splash when they arrived. :-) But their arrival also spurred a (rather loud, if one was paying attention) public discussion of the potential benefits and dangers of eventually developing an AGI. Another way that POI deserves credit for nailing it on the head is that, already a decade ago, it was exploring in science fiction ideas about AI and AGI that today we can hear discussed by serious newscasters. And the corporate arms race that we are witnessing to create more powerful AI models does leave open the unnerving possibility of an AGI "slipping into the world unnoticed." Now, an AI or AGI is just a bunch of bits flipping inside a computer somewhere. So how could it pose a threat to or even exert any influence on the real world? Well, if it were superintellingent, it could find a way. For instance, it could recruit human agents to act on its behalf, who are already aligned with its goals or who could be convinced. It's fun to imagine how exactly a super AGI would go about doing that. In 3x01, we see Root as a mix of the two, part adept and part convert (they disagree on her "methods", you see). In any case, what she is obviously becoming is one such agent of The Machine.