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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5cgqgcb4dlp09natbbz13/Ally-McBeal-S04E11-Mr.-Bo-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=gsue0ujhaug4ehkpuf2pj8itd&dl=0

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Tony (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-11 22:45:05 1. Froots... Please.. Don't ever stop singing ...That was adorkable as FUCK. 2. Why did they add a sound / crash effect to the shot of flying over that building at the start of the episode??? And then it's not addressed AT. ALL.??? ......This feels like something I'd do ...While editing the episode before sending it out to be aired on TV ...You sneak in something stupid like this and then go home and watch the episode live on TV to see if anyone checked your work ...Sitting there with a huge smirk as it turns out nobody did 3. OMg... Please don't let that be the reason Richard hired the women working at the firm.. That's so gross if true... And what? They'll try to make it funny?? ...There could be a hundred women out there in that area alone with better qualifications who didn't get a job based on the fact this guy didn't find them attractive enough... Sadly this is too close to reality though in every aspect of life ...Not just jobs ....Can we STOP. judging people solely based on their looks??? So many people get rejected for things due to their looks solely cause of the shallowness of others ...added later... Ok I'm not sure they actually confirmed if that was Richards reasoning though 4. Ally and Mark didn't deserve to win this case... But I'm guessing Lillian Luthor bought off the jury to rule in her favour 5. Yup... Not only is it weird for a father to kiss his daughter on the lips ...But also... HOW. did these 2 actors come to the decision that this is the way their characters showed affection?? Couldn't just be a big hug or something?? I have NEVER. in my daaaaamn life... EVER. seen anyone kiss their parent in that way ...And I most DECIDEDLY.. DIDN'T do this ....You're right Froots.. This was just all kindsa weird 6. Why does it always look like Elaine is doing some contest at the bar and all of a sudden the other women working at the firm need to outshine her?? Is that just her entire character? Doing contests and being regarded the office slut? ...Good on her for winning that trophy though ...She deserved it
2023-09-11 19:50:21 1. Froots... Please.. Don't ever stop singing ...That was adorkable as FUCK. 2. Why did they add a sound / crash effect to the shot of flying over that building at the start of the episode??? And then it's not addressed AT. ALL.??? ......This feels like something I'd do ...While editing the episode before sending it out to be aired on TV ...You sneak in something stupid like this and then go home and watch the episode live on TV to see if anyone checked your work ...Sitting there with a huge smirk as it turns out nobody did and you got away with it 3. OMg... Please don't let that be the reason Richard hired the women working at the firm.. That's so gross if true... And what? They'll try to make it funny?? ...There could be a hundred women out there in that area alone with better qualifications who didn't get a job based on the fact this guy didn't find them attractive enough... Sadly this is too close to reality though in every aspect of life ...Not just jobs ....Can we STOP. judging people solely based on their looks??? So many people get rejected for things due to their looks solely cause of the shallowness of others ...added later... Ok I'm not sure they actually confirmed if that was Richards reasoning though 4. Ally and Mark didn't deserve to win this case... But I'm guessing Lillian Luthor bought off the jury to rule in her favour 5. Yup... Not only is it weird for a father to kiss his daughter on the lips ...But also... HOW. did these 2 actors come to the decision that this is the way their characters showed affection?? (or was it the director?) Couldn't just be a big hug or something?? I have NEVER. in my daaaaamn life... EVER. seen anyone kiss their parent in that way ...And I most DECIDEDLY.. DIDN'T do this ....You're right Froots.. This was just all kindsa weird 6. Why does it always look like Elaine is doing some contest at the bar and all of a sudden the other women working at the firm need to outshine her?? Is that just her entire character? Doing contests and being regarded as the office slut? ...Good on her for winning that trophy though ...She deserved it

1. Froots... Please.. Don't ever stop singing ...That was adorkable as FUCK. 2. Why did they add a sound / crash effect to the shot of flying over that building at the start of the episode??? And then it's not addressed AT. ALL.??? ......This feels like something I'd do ...While editing the episode before sending it out to be aired on TV ...You sneak in something stupid like this and then go home and watch the episode live on TV to see if anyone checked your work ...Sitting there with a huge smirk as it turns out nobody did and you got away with it 3. OMg... Please don't let that be the reason Richard hired the women working at the firm.. That's so gross if true... And what? They'll try to make it funny?? ...There could be a hundred women out there in that area alone with better qualifications who didn't get a job based on the fact this guy didn't find them attractive enough... Sadly this is too close to reality though in every aspect of life ...Not just jobs ....Can we STOP. judging people solely based on their looks??? So many people get rejected for things due to their looks solely cause of the shallowness of others ...added later... Ok I'm not sure they actually confirmed if that was Richards reasoning though 4. Ally and Mark didn't deserve to win this case... But I'm guessing Lillian Luthor bought off the jury to rule in her favour 5. Yup... Not only is it weird for a father to kiss his daughter on the lips ...But also... HOW. did these 2 actors come to the decision that this is the way their characters showed affection?? (or was it the director?) Couldn't just be a big hug or something?? I have NEVER. in my daaaaamn life... EVER. seen anyone kiss their parent in that way ...And I most DECIDEDLY.. DIDN'T do this ....You're right Froots.. This was just all kindsa weird 6. Why does it always look like Elaine is doing some contest at the bar and all of a sudden the other women working at the firm need to outshine her?? Is that just her entire character? Doing contests and being regarded as the office slut? ...Good on her for winning that trophy though ...She deserved it

Patrick - Excelsior

Hey, we just saw Mr. Bo in 'Cabin In The Woods'. Chubby Checker, I love it.