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I remember being luke warm on the first few episodes as well. Only reason I continued was because they were such short episodes, I knocked out the first season 1 night, then found myself liking it by the end of season. Yep, you were correct, thats Mona from Legends. When she got cast on Legends I was excited because I remember liking her on this show..... and then she became 1 of my least liked characters in the entire Arrowverse. As for Timothy Olyphants acting.... I think that was the show runner/directors decision. Its a comedy, and I think they knew how ridiculous the premise was, so they decided to lean into the ridiculousness of it with his character. He was definitely my least favorite of the main characters throughout the series..... but I didnt dislike him a lot less than you did. Anywho.... at least you can say you tried it.


What was bothering you about the acting was that there was a lot of making fun of the typical suburban South Californian passive aggressive fake lifestyle . Oliphant played him perfectly with a fake smile regardless of the situation . But if you're unfamiliar with the hypocritical lifestyle the jokes wouldn't land and it would just seem off.

Brandon Wiesner

I think what makes the show works for those that like it is the family aspect and the chemistry between Sheila and Joel. They work really well together and like someone else mentioned, Joel is the typical suburban husband, plus a realtor, which means even more so that he is always "putting it on." My goal was to introduce you to something where the zombie aspect would be a non-issue. I think I achieved that.


I enjoyed this. I think i have a thing for silly comedy which is usually a hit or miss for you i notice, which of course is ok, everybody has their own preferences.


my fave show perhaps 👀