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Thank you for your support Tom Tattershall!

OneHub link: https://ws.onehub.com/files/gpgpfmpr

Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1mq4zkvssti3f7sfgzt98/Scream-Queens-S01E01-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=c8zp3hc8v5djq3gi67aoxm0li&dl=0

Sometimes the video is unavailable to stream as it takes time to process. This means you may have to download it to watch the reaction. Sorry about that!




I enjoyed these 2 episodes more than i thought i would. I ignored it since it aired, im not sure why.


Never saw this series before, but now i have to ask: Why? is the american college system really so f'd up? I don't get the whole sorority system. Universities are for studying and maybe partying, but not for that kind of bs. Why do the sororities have more might than the dean? I think the whole american university system needs to be taken down and structured anew. (Viewpoint of an Austrian/European)


I'd like to make a statement - after thinking about this show a bit more I actually thought about how I enjoyed it a lot more than I intitually stated. I'd like to change my rating to a 7/10.