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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/fn7gpdqzrh7dhlxbcun7u/Doom-Patrol-S04E04-Casey-Patrol-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=na56w9ceeinrp6ozr8c6joe0w&dl=0

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Patrick - Excelsior

Ok, I'm caught up. Good episode. Great to see Dorothy and Danny again. I watched your latest Grimm reaction just 3 days before this one, there is NO WAY I would have recognized that actress playing Space Case as the maiden from Grimm - Maiden Quest. My hats off to you Shan. I'm definitely interested in this Immortus storyline. Weird that in this DC show we have what I assume to be the Big Bad of this season named Immortus while at same time in the MCU, one of the guises of Kang the Conqueror is called Immortus too.