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Patrick - Excelsior

Yes, I do like to new camera angle. You can see the stuff in background better. Nick and Adalind dealing with raising a baby. Not sure why they called Monroe/Rosalee for baby advise. They don’t have a baby. Call someone that raised a child. Heck, Adalind probably knows more since she did have her first child for a little while. This got me thinking, by this age the first baby, Diana, was already showing some abilities. But with this one, so far, nothing. Could it be the hexenbiest suppression potion suppressed the baby too? Or is it because it’s a Grimm baby, it canceled out the hexenbiest, and the Grimm side doesn’t show until he is much older like Nick. Since it’s a male, it wouldn’t be a hexenbiest anyways, but a Zaberbiest. Maybe they also show their abilities at a much older age. Just some thoughts. The bar in the episode had a weird name. The symbols was a letter F on a bomb. An F-bomb, I guess that would make the name of the bar, F**k…lol Yeah, the main story here is was pure monster of week, no connection to anything. We did get some more development between Nick and Adalind. Trubel is in trouble, that was funny Shan. I don’t like seeing Trubel all beat -up like that. Stop it! If that was you Misner or FBI people, grrrr. Cut it out. Leave Trubel alone. Yeah frustrating when they leave it on a teaser like that. Side note: I do think I prefer this one Grimm reaction a week tempo. Helps give a feeling of time going by more realistically than when it is binged.


They stated when she was pregnant with Diana that it was the royal blood that was part of the formula making her special. Perhaps the combination of half royal half zaurbeist on one side and hexenbeist on the other. Either way, Diana is unique, so it's no surprise her sibling is just a baby. It's also already been mentioned earlier that Wesen get their abilities normally at puberty, and the ones that get it early are typically a huge problem for everyone, but even then it's not at birth. Grimms also don't get their powers at birth but between mid childhood on the extreme early side for girls, all the way up to adulthood with boys, but boys being much later than girls. But no one's quite sure what Kelly will be, so that's a good question.


This is the first monster of the week episode this season that hasn't tied back into the main plot in some fashion. I kinda wish they had kept up with that.


I'd like to start by saying thanks for what you had to say defending Spike and Adalind. I agreed with every point you made. Spike was a soulless demon when he hurt Buffy, and was not the same William that Buffy fell in love with in season 7. If people can't understand that, it's their failing to understand the story and the metaphor of vampire as arrested development or lacking of empathy. William going through the trials to become a new person with a soul is metaphorically and literally a completely different person and should not be held responsible for what Spike the bloody did as a vampire without a soul. However, I would like to say that hexenbiest or no hexenbiest, saying what Adalind did is in the same category is something I disagree with and for this reason: if someone kidnaps a person's child and essentially holds a gun to that child's head and then tells the mother the only way they get their child back is if they assault me, am I going to blame the mother or the evil Royal who kidnaps children and holds guns to people's heads. I'm not blaming the mother. I'm blaming the royals. I think throwing most of the blame on Adalind is just wrong. The blame really should be going to the royals who put her in that position. That is not to take away all the blame, but she literally did not know what would happen to her child if she refused. Sure, they say they would take care of Diana, but Adalind would only know for sure if she joined them and looked after Diana herself. If you disagree with this, feel free to call me a horrible person. Onto the current episode, I love the domestic scenes with Nick and Adalind. Nick is giving great dad energy and Adalind seems to slowly be opening up to Nick and letting him know how much he means to her despite her wanting not to trust anyone or rely on anyone to the point she has no clothes. Juliet and Monroe are wonderful as ever. They really have the most tender scenes in the show and we definitely need more of them. The monster of the week was pretty bland and felt like they didn't care that much which is a shame. But bright spot....Trubel is back!!! so again 10/10 episode well done Grimm staff! If !Trubel is in every episode for the rest of the season we may have the greatest season yet!


I think this idea that if someone doesn't agree with you (and to be clear, I don't) in things like that, they much thing bad of you as a person. That's pure nonsense and a sad commentary on modern discourse. This is a discussion of ethics in a fictional world, regarding a fictional situation can isn't even possible in the real world. You thinking someone is morally innocent while I consider them morally guilty doesn't not make you a bad person in my eyes. It just means we have a different way of thinking of this totally not real situation. If I knew this was the going to be the reaction, I would not have mentioned it in the first place, but I think it's good to at least have a discourse about discourse. Judging people for merely having a different viewpoint from you is something we need to do away with. Certainly there's a line people shouldn't cross. Tell me you think Hitler did nothing wrong and I certainly will think less of you. But there's a whole universe of room before that line. But I'm staying out of this particular topic for now.