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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dbgnt1m1hyhq439ftr4fl/My-Hero-Academia-S03E23-Deku-Vs.-Kacchan-Part-2-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=ldacdwjvb78lp3ghymkwzcj52&dl=0

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Brendan O'Connor

Love this episode, epic fight and now a more interesting rivalry between these two. The part that got me was when Deku thinks how he talks like Bakugo when he fights to win, like how he says “shut up, dammit!” in his fight against Muscular when that’s not how he’d respond usually.


Definitely one of more popular episodes, as well as being a pivotal one. We not only have Deku and Bakugo's relationship continue to evolve--hopefully to a less toxic form--and Bakugo being in on the secret, but Deku switches from only using 5% of his power to 8% of it. And this is a permanent change. It's his default from now on. This leads me to one of the things I like about this show. Instead of quickly become a master his his powers, Deku has learned at a more realistic page. Slowly, gradually, but steadily. It's taken him nearly 3 seasons to be able to safely use just 8% of One for All. Most shows would not have waited that long. It makes his growth far more believable, IMO.