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David Brown

This was originally a feature length premiere episode. It was later re-edited into a Part 1 and Part 2 for reruns.

Retro Tom

This was the first Trek show that I saw every episode first run as it aired, so it holds a special place for me. It gets criticism from fans but like with Agents Of Shield I felt people didn't give it a fair chance The show wasn't as it originally intended as in the hiatus of when Voyager ended & this show began there were leadership changes at both the studios & network with neither of them interested in Trek & it was just an afterthought to them rather then the networks flagship show (a mentality that sadly persists 22 years later) They made requests to add things in the show like "sexy scenes" (the scene in the decontamination chamber) but thankfully not all the bad suggestions got through. The studio wanted to have pop music acts be on every episode, once an episode they'd cut to the mess hall where that weeks guest artist would play a real life current hit. They thought at the end of the season they could sell a compilation album to recoup money spent on making the show. Rick Berman told them it was a dumb idea because the mess hall set wasn't big enough for a a stage performance & audience, the ship wouldn't be going back to Earth each week to swap out musical acts, & finally it was set 150 years after the time it airwd so all of thoae musicians would be long dead in the show


This was actually 1x01 and 1x02 together, but I re-edited it into 2 parts since I knew she likes to take breaks.

Jeremy Burch

I mentioned in a comment on a Stargate Atlantis episode, that I was rewatching/watching for the first time, the Startrek shows, interestingly I just got to Enterprise. Well I do enjoy Enterprise, it's not my favorite of the Startreks. My favorite is probably Strange New Worlds, then Deep Space Nine and the Next Generation. After that it's probably Voyager, then Enterprise, then Picard, last place is Discovery, I'm not sure were Lower Decks fits in but so far I do like it. I'm not including Prodigy because I haven't seen it and the original because I didn't include it in my rewatch. This is an interesting one to start with because release date wise, it is one of the later released ones, it was the last one that aired for a long time actually, but timeline wise it is technically the first one. Other than Stargate, John Billingsley was also in Angel, also Bobby from Supernatural made a brief appearance as well.


Billingsley got to sing for Lorne in Angel s5 :)

Patrick - Excelsior

In case you didn't know, this show is a prequel to the other Star Trek series. Some of the fun of the show for Trekkies is seeing the origin of Words, policies and devices that as very familiar in later shows. There are 2 of those devices that are mentioned in these 2 episodes. The first of these is the transporter. The Transporter is used VERY commonly in the other shows, but here the technology is so new they are afraid of using it. The second one is the 2 guns we see in the briefcase. Reed called them "Phase Pistols". The precursor to the famous Phasers in the Trek universe.